USuk/ˌbaɪˈkəʊ.stəl/us/ˌbaɪˈkoʊ.stəl/relatingto orinvolvingboth the Atlanticcoastoreastsideand thePacificcoastorwestsideof theUnitedStates:
(美国)东西海岸的The bicoastallifestyleenabledhim tomaintainstrongtieswith each of hisparents, whosplitup in the mid-'70s.往返东西海岸的生活方式让他与父母都保持着紧密的联系,而他的父母在70年代中期便已分居。
Policebegana bicoastalsearchfor themissinggradstudent.警方开始在东西海岸进行搜索,寻找失踪的研究生。
- The bicoastalcommute(she's inNYC, he's in LA) tookitstollafter fouryears.
- Like other Californiapoliticianswholeadbicoastallives, hestraddledtwoworlds, hiswatchset on Washingtontimeand hiscowboybootscoveredwithSanJoaquinValleydust.
- From thebeginning, they have had a bicoastalrelationship, with PaullivingandworkinginSanFrancisco andspendingabout aweekor so eachmonthwith hiswifein Washington.
Towns & regions: parts of countries
- Breton
- city state
- collectorate
- county borough
- countywide
- department
- district
- green belt
- metropolitan county
- multi-county
- non-county
- non-metropolitan county
- northwest
- out-of-state
- province
- provincial
- regionalism
- sector
- southerner
- upstate