uk/ˈskrʌm.ɪ.dʒər/us/ˈskrʌm.ɪ.dʒɚ/in thesportofrugby, aplayerwhotakespartin ascrum(= agroupofattackingplayersfrom eachteamwho come together withtheirheadsdown andarmsjoined, andpushagainst each other,tryingto takecontrolof theball):
(橄榄球比赛中)参与列阵争球的队员Our front-rowers areplayingagainst theFrenchandWelsh, who areoutstandingscrummagers.我们的前排球员对阵法国队和威尔士队,这两支队伍在列队争球方面都非常出色。
- He's amagnificentscrummager, arealtop-notcher in thatdepartment.
- Simon is one of thebestsecond-row scrummagers in thePremiership.
- Once the Wallaby scrummagersgainedtheascendancy, thegametook on a differenthue.
- Maybe he was not thegreatestlineoutjumperin theworldor thebestscrummager, but he was anoutstandingleaderof men.
- bomb
- chargesomethingdown
- converted
- cooler
- drop kick
- field of play
- flanker
- hack
- heel
- lineout
- place-kick
- place-kicking
- post-match
- postgame
- premiership
- ruck
- rugger
- test match
- wing back
- work rate