rubber duck
uk/ˌrʌb.ə ˈdʌk/us/ˌrʌb.ɚ ˈdʌk/rubber ducknoun[C](TOY)
asmallplasticorrubbertoyduck,especiallyforplayingwith in thebath:
(尤指在浴缸里玩耍用的)橡皮鸭There was ayellowrubberduckon thesideof thebath.浴缸边上有一只黄色的橡皮鸭。
Toddlerslovesplashingaround in thewaterwiththeirrubberducks.刚学走路的孩子喜欢在水里玩他们的橡皮鸭。

Andrea Colarieti/EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages
- I wasbobbingaround like arubberduck.
- If youmanagetocatcharubberduckon the end ofyourhook, youwinaprize.
- Researchshowsthatchildreningestthechemicalsbyactsassimpleaschewingon arubberduck.
rubber ducknoun[C](BOAT)
South African English(alsorubber-duck boat)
asmallrubberboatthat hasairin it tokeepitsshape:
充气橡皮船The men werefoundclingingto acapsizedrubberduck.这些人被发现时正抱着一只翻了充气橡皮船。

Grigorev_Vladimir/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Luckily there were somefishermenin arubberduckwho came toouraid.
- Theylaunchedtheirfour-meterrubberduckfrom Hawston.
- Four men wererescuedaftertheirrubber-duckboatdrifted22km off-shore of Hangklip in theWesternCape.
Boats & sailing craft
- amphibious
- buoy
- canoe
- cutter
- dhow
- dragon boat
- dredger
- dugout
- flatboat
- gondola
- inflatable
- kayak
- ketch
- pedalo
- punt
- rubber dinghy
- sampan
- sloop
- water taxi
- yacht