uk/ˈslaɪt.nəs/us/ˈslaɪt.nəs/slightnessnoun[U](OF AMOUNT)
thequalityof beingsmallinamountordegree:
Because of the slightness of thesymptoms, it is often verydifficulttopersuadepatientsthat they arecured.
Alawyerfriendissurprisedat the slightness of thepayment.
- Thelanguagethey usedisguisesthe slightness oftheircontributiontopublicdebate.
- Given the slightness of theresemblance, it'ssurprisinghenoticedit.
- The very slightness of thechangelongpreventeditsbeingappreciatedornoticed.
- baby
- bijou
- bite-sized
- compactly
- compactness
- dwarf
- midget
- modest
- no/not enough room to swing a catidiom
- on the large, small, etc. sideidiom
- pint-sized
- pocket handkerchief
- pocket-sized
- sampler
- scrubby
- shoe box
- shrunken
- skimpy
- smallish
- wee
(of aperson) thequalityof beingthinanddelicate:
(人)瘦小,纤弱Charlie's slightness makes himseemshorterthan he really is.查理的瘦弱使他看起来比实际的矮。
Thecontrastbetween hertalleleganceand his slightness wasstriking.她的高大优雅和他的瘦小纤弱形成了鲜明的对比。
- Hisblackuniformaccentuatedboth the slightness of hisbuildand thenaturalpalenessof hisskin.
- Hisphysicalslightnessmeanthe washeldback in age-groupsport.
- Slightness need notimplylackofstrength.
Animal physiology: thin or slender (of people)
- be skin and bone(s)idiom
- beanpole
- cadaverous
- ectomorph
- emaciation
- gaunt
- gauntness
- gracile
- hard-bodied
- hatchet-faced
- hollow
- hollow-cheeked
- lanky
- raw-boned
- scraggy
- skinny
- slenderize
- slight
- svelte
- trim
slightnessnoun[U](LACK OF SERIOUSNESS)
thequalityof notdealingwith veryseriousorimportantsubjects, or notneedingmuchseriousthought:
Excellentperformancesby the twoleadsmake up for the slightness of thetale.
Hispoemshave acertainslightness.
- Theplayisprofoundlyaffecting,despitetheapparentslightness ofitssubjectmatter.
- Sometimes the slightness ofsubjectmattercannot beconcealedby thebrillianceof theexecution.
- Thefilmis 120minuteslongwhich, given the slightness of thematerial, ispushingit.
Of little or less importance
- be in/undersomeone'sshadowidiom
- be neither here nor thereidiom
- be no big dealidiom
- biggie
- derisory
- lowly
- meaningless
- meaninglessly
- meaninglessness
- mere
- merely
- peripheral
- petty
- piddling
- piffling
- play second fiddleidiom
- poxy
- rinky-dink
- subordinate
- valueless