totrytopersuadeapolitician, thegovernment, or anofficialgroupthat aparticularthing should or should nothappen, or that alawshould bechanged:
游说,试图说服(政客、政府或官方团体)Smallbusinesseshave lobbied hardfor/againstchangesin thetaxlaws.小公司极力游说支持/反对修改税法。
[+ to infinitive]Localresidentslobbiedtohave thefactoryshutdown.当地居民极力要求关闭该工厂。
[+ obj + to infinitive]They have been lobbyingCongresstochangethelegislationconcerningguns.他们一直在游说国会修改涉枪法律。
- They are lobbying fortaxcuts.
- We are lobbying forchangesto thelawondrinkinganddriving.
- Farmers lobbied hard against theexportbans.
- They lobbied to have theheadteacherremoved.
- They are lobbying forbetterhealthcarefacilities.
Urging & persuading
- ambulance-chasing
- argumentation
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- blag
- blagger
- chivvy
- fob
- induce
- inveigle
- jolly
- lean
- lean onsomeone/something
- miseducate
- miseducation
- overencourage
- soft sell
- urge
- work onsomething
- wrap
- wrapsomeonearoundyourlittle fingeridiom
uk/ˈlɒb.i/us/ˈlɑː.bi/lobbynoun[C](PRESSURE GROUP)
agroupofpeoplewhotrytopersuadethegovernmentor anofficialgroupto do something:
游说团体,游说集团the anti-smoking lobby反吸烟游说团体
Groups of people
- alliance
- an
- anti-gang
- assemblage
- babyboomer
- bunch
- flashmob
- flock
- focus group
- foursome
- fraternity
- mafia
- sandwich generation
- silent majority
- sisterhood
- special interest group
- splinter group
- squad
- suspect
- trio
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Activism & pressure groups
the (large)roominto which themainentrancedooropensin ahotelor otherlargebuilding
in the UKparliament, aroomwhere someonemeetsamemberofparliamentwho they havearrangedtotalkto, or one of the twopassagesthatmembersofparliamentwalkthrough as a way ofvoting
(英国议会的)接见厅,会见厅,表决厅Parts of buildings: passages & entrance areas
- arcade
- archway
- breezeway
- concourse
- desk
- entryway
- gangway
- gateway
- hall
- hallway
- marquee
- passage
- patio
- portal
- portico
- reception
- side entrance
- side return
- terrace
- vestibule
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hotels & hostels
UK politics: government departments & organizations