medicalspecializeduk/ˈlɒb.jə.lər/us/ˈlɑːb.jə.lɚ/having orrelatingtolobes(=partsthatseemto beseparatefrom therestof theorgan, etc.):
This lobularappearanceischaracteristicof thepresenceofcartilage.
Lobularcanceraccountsfor about 15% of allinvasivebreastcancers.
- Theliverhas adistinctlobularanatomy.
- Thebiopsyshowedmildlobularinflammation.
- Drinkingalcoholisknownto be morestronglylinkedto lobulartumours.
- Theseparticularlesionsoriginatefrom theterminalductlobularunit.
- She wasdiagnosedwithinvasivelobularcancer-cancerthatbeginsin themilkglands.
Substances & structures in the body
- abductor
- accessorius
- adductor
- adenoid
- agonist
- gracilis
- grey matter
- groove
- gyrus
- hallucis
- papilla
- papillary
- parietal
- pecten
- pectineal
- vesical
- vesicle
- vestibular
- vestibule
- visceral muscle