lint roller
uk/ˈlɪnt ˌrəʊ.lər/us/ˈlɪnt ˌroʊ.lɚ/adeviceforremovingsmallhairs,loosepiecesofthread, etc. fromclothing, usually consisting ofstickypaperon atubethat yourollover thesurfaceof theclothing:
(用于衣物的)粘毛滚筒I use astickylintrollerto get the littlebitsofhairoff of myclothes.我用粘毛滚筒把衣服上的小碎头发去掉。
Hispersonaldresseruses alintrolleron hisclothingbefore ashoot.他的私人美妆师在拍摄前会用粘毛滚筒打理一下他的衣服。

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- Using thelintroller,rollthestickysurfaceoverfabrictoremoveparticles.
- I use mylintrollertoremovepethairfromfurnitureandcleandustfrom mylampshades.
- How can you getridoflintwithout alintroller?
Cleaning clothes
- airer
- boil
- care label
- cleaner
- clothes brush
- clothes horse
- conditioner
- delouse
- handwash
- iron box
- ironing
- ironing board
- launder
- spin-dryer
- starch
- steam iron
- trouser press
- tumble dryer
- unironed
- washing machine