Linzer torte
(alsolinzer torte,Linzer Torte)uk/ˈlɪn.zə ˌtɔːt/us/ˈlɪn.zɚ ˌtɔːrt/asweetfoodconsisting of anopenpastrycase(= alayerofpastrycoveringthebottomandsidesof ashallowdish)filledwithfruitjamandcoveredwiththinstripsofpastryflavouredwithalmonds:
The Austrian Linzertorteis ofteneatenatChristmas.
The linzertortewas good, but not asbutteryas I would haveliked.
TheoriginalLinzer Torte came from Austria and usuallyincludesalmondsin thepastry.
- Try thelocalLinzertorte,filledwithredcurrantjam.
- Do youknowof abakerythatsellsLinzertortes?
- The Linzertortewasfilledwithlovelyredraspberryjampeekingthrough alatticetop.
Pastry & pies
- apple pie
- baked goods
- banoffee pie
- barquette
- bear claw
- custard tart
- Danish pastry
- elephant ear
- empanada
- millefeuille
- mince pie
- mincemeat
- napoleon
- pain au chocolat
- quiche
- rough puff pastry
- samosa
- sausage roll
- shortcrust pastry
- éclair