uk/lɪp/us/lɪp/lipnoun(BODY PART)
one of the twosoftpartsthatformtheupperandloweredgesof themouth:
Shekissedme on the lips.她吻了我的嘴唇。
Helickedhis lips.他舔了舔嘴唇。
He hadchocolateon hisupper/lowerlip.

Julie Toy/Stone/GettyImages
- Herlowerliptrembledas if she was about tocry.
- She took abiteofdoughnutandlickedher lips.
- She put on herlipstickand thencarefullyblottedher lips with atissue.
- There was thefaintesttraceof asmileon his lips.
- Herhairwasjet-black, her lips ruby-red, and herskinaswhiteassnow.
The mouth & throat
- -throated
- adenoid
- airway
- alveolar
- alveolar ridge
- buccal
- buccinator
- labiodental
- laryngeal
- larynx
- lingual
- mandibular
- maxillofacial
- soft palate
- tensor veli palatini muscle
- trachea
- uvula
- uvular
- velum
- vocal cords
apartof anedgeof acontainerthat isshapedtoallowliquidto bepouredeasilyfrom thecontainer
(容器的)嘴,豁口Edges & extremities of objects
- -rimmed
- apex
- apical
- apices
- bevel
- border
- bottom
- brow
- circumference
- edge
- extremity
- foot
- front
- palm-fringed
- perimeter
- periphery
- rim
- rimless
- tip
- vertex
theactofarguingwith someone in a way that isrudeor does not show enoughrespect:
失礼的话,唐突的言语That's enough ofyourlip!
Rude and cheeky
- cheekily
- cheekiness
- churlish
- churlishly
- churlishness
- coarse
- coarsely
- discourteous
- fruity
- gall
- impudent
- incivility
- offensively
- offensiveness
- potty mouth
- potty-mouthed
- presume
- presumptuously
- unpleasant
- unrepeatable
my lips are sealed
on everyone's lips
zip your lip