lollipop lady
UKinformaluk/ˈlɒl.i.pɒp ˌleɪ.di/us/ˈlɑː.li.pɑːp ˌleɪ.di/(alsolollipop woman)a woman whohelpschildrentocrosstheroadnear aschoolbystandingin themiddleof theroadandholdingup astickwith a roundsignon it thatmeansthat thetrafficmuststop:
(手持车辆暂停牌以帮助学童穿越马路的)交通安全员,女导护,棒棒糖阿姨Thetraffichas got a lotworsesince shestartedas alollipopladyfifteenyearsago.自从十五年前她开始当棒棒糖阿姨以来,交通状况变得更糟糕了。
The school'slollipopladysays somedrivershave a lot tolearn.学校的导护说,有些司机还有很多东西需要学。

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- I was alollipopladyfor severalyears.
- Because ofparkedcarsthelollipopwoman has toweavein betweenstationaryvehicles.
- Streetlighting,schoolsandevenlollipopladieshave to bepaidfor.
Roads: urban & residential streets
- access road
- adopt
- adopted
- alley
- arterial
- boulevard
- crossing guard
- cul-de-sac
- high street
- lane
- lollipop man
- parade
- plaza
- row
- runnel
- square
- st
- street
- the whole streetidiom
- unadopted