lollipop man
UKinformaluk/ˈlɒl.i.pɒp ˌmæn/us/ˈlɑː.li.pɑːp ˌmæn/a man whohelpschildrentocrosstheroadnear aschoolbystandingin themiddleof theroadandholdingup astickwith a roundsignon it thatmeansthat thetrafficmuststop:
Wait for thelollipopman tostopthetrafficandhelpyouacrosstheroad.
Ashortageoflollipopmen and women is puttingchildreninincreaseddangerontheirway toschool.

Serge Cornu/iStock Editorial/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images /GettyImages
- Hetriedfor ajobas alollipopman.
- He has been alollipopman for threeyears,escortingschoolchildrenacrosstheroad.
- Apart from thelollipopman, he is the onlysignificantmaleinvolvedin Amy'seducation.
Roads: urban & residential streets
- access road
- adopt
- adopted
- alley
- arterial
- boulevard
- crossing guard
- cul-de-sac
- high street
- lane
- lollipop lady
- parade
- plaza
- row
- runnel
- square
- st
- street
- the whole streetidiom
- unadopted