(of ametalobjectormaterial)abletoattractobjectsormaterialscontainingironorsteel:
Iron,steel,nickel, andcobaltare magneticmetals.
Themachinescansthe magneticstripon the back of thecreditcard.
using orrelatingtomagnetism(= thepowerof beingabletoattractironandsteelobjects):
Treatments thatinvolvemagnetictherapymay behelpfulin thetreatmentof thesesymptoms.
Inductance is theratiooftotalmagneticfluxtocurrentthrough thedevice.
- A magneticcoilcontrolstheelectronsin a television’stube.
- Metal willmesswith the magneticneedleand you won'tknowwhichdirectionis up.
- The magneticpropertiesofironmake iteasytoseparatesteelproductsfrom otherwaste.
Chemistry: metals & metalworking
- alloy
- anti-tarnish
- bar magnet
- base metal
- beaten
- bimetallic
- brazen
- brazier
- bullion
- ferrous
- galvanized
- gild
- gold leaf
- lode
- magnet
- scrap
- untarnished
- vermeil
- wrought iron
- zirconium
used todescribesomeone whosepersonalityattractsa lot ofpeople:
有吸引力的,有魅力的His magneticpersonalityandinfectiousenthusiasmmeantthat he had manyfriends.
There's something very magnetic about Susan.
drawing your attention
- attractiveHe's an attractive, intelligent man.
- appealingShe has an appealing sense of humour.
- engagingHe is a very engaging conversationalist.
- adorableShe has an adorable little sister.
- lovelyHe's such a lovely lad.
- sweetYour kids are so sweet.
- He is very magnetic andcharming.
- Hercharacteris so magnetic that everydayspentwith her isexciting.
- Onscreen, he is magnetic as hemeltsinto hischaracters.
- adorable
- adorbs
- aesthetic
- aesthetically
- alluring
- distinguished
- dreamy
- easy
- elegant
- elegantly
- magnificent
- majestic
- melting
- mesmerizing
- nice-looking
- tastefully
- telegenic
- tempting
- to die foridiom
- turn out