If something is authentic, it isreal,true, or whatpeoplesay it is:
真的;真正的;可靠的;可信的an authentic 1920sdress20世纪20年代女装真品
He was there andsawwhathappened, so his is the only authenticaccount.他在现场,并看到了事情的经过,所以他的叙述是唯一可靠的说法。
being what it appears to be
- realThat's not his real hair, is it? I thought it was a bad wig!
- genuineThe painting is a genuine Picasso.
- authenticThe clerk certified that the documents were authentic.
- honest-to-goodnessMy father is an honest-to-goodness door-to-door salesman.
- Underinterrogation, sheverifiedthat thetapeswere authentic.
- In theclassicalmusicworldthesedays, authenticinstrumentsare where it's at.
- There's aGreekrestaurantintownwhichserveswonderfullypreparedauthenticdishes.
- Mosthistoriansacceptthat thedocumentsare authentic.
- Thehotelevenhas an authenticJapanesegarden.
True, real, false, and unreal
- actual
- actuality
- actually
- all that glitters is not goldidiom
- apocryphal
- fake news
- false
- false flag
- falsely
- fantastical
- nothing could be further from the truthidiom
- nothing could have been further from my mind/thoughtsidiom
- parallel universe
- post-factual
- practically
- veridical
- verifiability
- verifiable
- verifiably
- verily