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locknoun(FASTENER)B1[C]adevicethatpreventssomething such as adoorfrom beingopenedand can only beopenedwith akey: 锁,门锁 Iheardsomeoneturnakeyinthe lock.我听见有人在用钥匙开门。 safetylocks安全锁 Thieves got in bysmashingthe lock off thedoor.盗贼砸坏门锁闯了进去。 - Sheeasedthekeyinto the lock,anxiousnot towakeanyone.
- If the lock hasfrozenup,trylubricatingit withoil.
- If thedoorwon'topen,tryjigglingthekeyin the lock.
- I couldseeatoncethat the lock had been tampered with.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBuilding: locks & locksmithing - bolt
- catch
- combination
- combination lock
- deadbolt
- deadlock
- fastener
- fob
- key chain
- key fob
- key ring
- keycard
- keyhole
- lockbox
- locksmith
- master key
- mortise lock
- padlock
- skeleton key
- Yale lock
See more results » locknoun(WATER)[C]alengthofwaterwithgatesat each end where thelevelofwatercan bechangedtoallowboatstomovebetweenpartsof acanalorriverthat are at differentheights 水闸,船闸  Feifei Cui-Paoluzzo/Moment/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesParts of watercourses - artesian well
- backwater
- basin
- confluence
- drainage basin
- estuarine
- firth
- head
- interbasin
- interchannel
- lock-keeper
- meander
- mooring
- mouth
- narrows
- reach
- spring
- tributary
- water table
- weir
See more results » locknoun(DEFINITE EVENT)[C]USinformalsomething that iscertaintohappen: 一定会发生的事件 She's a lockforpromotionthisyear.她今年肯定会晋升的。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCertainty - (as) clear as dayidiom
- (as) sure as eggs is eggsidiom
- and that's flat!idiom
- assured
- assuredly
- decidedly
- deffo
- definite
- definitely
- definitive
- mistake
- nailsomethingon
- nailed on
- natch
- not miss a beatidiom
- squarely
- unreservedly
- watertight
- would
- you can bet your lifeidiom
See more results » locknoun(HAIR)[C]asmallgroupofhairs,especiallyacurl: (尤指卷发的)一股,一缕 There is a lock of Napoleon'shairin thedisplaycabinet.在展柜中有一缕拿破仑的卷发。 locks[plural] literarythehairon someone'shead: 头发 curlylocks卷发 flowinggoldenlocks飘逸的金发 informal(alsolocs)short fordreadlocks; ahairstylein which thehairhangsinlongthicktwistedpieces: Jamaicanfootballerswere the first tosportlocks. Dreadlocks are also sometimesknownas locks ordreads. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHair - anti-dandruff
- as bald as a cootphrase
- baldness
- baldy
- bedhead
- curl
- five o'clock shadow
- frizzle
- frizzy
- fuzzy
- goatee
- lank
- mane
- muttonchops
- rug
- scurf
- slaphead
- walrus moustache
- waxed
- wig
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: locknoun(WHEELS)[U]UKtheamountaroadvehicle'sfrontwheelscan beturnedfrom onesideto the other byturningitssteeringwheel: 前轮转向角度 You need itonfulllock(= with thewheelturnedas much aspossible).你得把方向盘转到底。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOn the road: driving & operating road vehicles - aquaplaning
- backsomeoneup
- behind the wheelidiom
- bike
- biting point
- boxed in
- branch off
- coast
- drive off
- jam
- pullsomeoneup shortidiom
- run away withsomeone
- satnav
- self-driving
- snow chains
- steer
- steerable
- undertake
- undertaking
See more results » locknoun(HOLD)[C]a way ofholdingsomeone that you arefightingagainst so that they cannotmove: 锁住(对手),使(对手)动弹不得 Thesmallerwrestlerheldhisopponentin afullbodylock.小个子摔跤手死死抱住对手。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFighting sports - aikido
- all-in wrestling
- arm-wrestling
- bantamweight
- black belt
- feint
- foil
- full nelson
- grappler
- gumshield
- half nelson
- outfight
- prizefight
- prizefighter
- pugilist
- pugilistic
- punchbag
- southpaw
- wrestle
- wrestling
See more results » Idiomslock, stock, and barrel under lock and key lockverb(MAKE SAFE)B2[Tusually+ adv/prep]to put something in asafeplaceandfastenthe lock: 妥善保管,妥善保藏 He locked theconfidentialdocumentsinhisfilingcabinet.他把机密文件放入文件柜妥善保管起来。 You really should lockyourcar(up)or it'll getstolen.你真应该把车锁好,否则就会被盗。 B1[IorT]tofastensomething with akey, or befastenedwith akey: 锁,上锁 Don'tforgetto lock thedoorwhen you go out.出去时别忘了锁门。 If youshutthedoorit will lockautomatically.门关上就会自动锁好。 - Oh, and don'tforgetto lock the backdoor.
- Someprizeidiotforgotto lock thedoor.
- "Come on,hurryup!" "I'll just/only be a second - I've got to lock the backdoor."
- If you don't lockyourdoorsandwindows, you'll be asittingtargetforburglars.
- I'd only gone a fewstepsdown theroadwhen IrealizedI'dforgottento lock thedoor.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLocking and bolting - bar
- batten
- bolt
- handcuff
- hermetically
- latch
- lock (something) up
- locksomeoneout
- locksomethingaway
- locksomethingin
- lockable
- love lock
- manacle
- padlock
- relock
- shut
- shutsomeoneaway
- under lock and keyidiom
lockverb(BECOME FIXED)[I]tobecomefixedin oneposition: 锁定,锁住 Itriedtostartmovingbut thewheelshad locked.我想向前移动一下,但车轮被锁住了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFastening and tying - anchor
- bale
- be locked togetheridiom
- belay
- bind
- boardsomethingup
- bound
- bowline
- granny knot
- half hitch
- harness
- hobble
- hogtie
- stake
- strap
- strapsomeonein
- strapsomethingup
- tack
- tapesomethingup
- tether
See more results » Idiomsbe locked together lock horns Phrasal verbslocksomethingaway locksomethingin locksomeonein be locked insomething locksomeoneintosomething locksomeoneout locksomeoneout ofsomething lock (something) up locksomeoneup (Definition oflockfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)locknoun(FASTENER)B1[C]adevicethatpreventssomething such as adoorfrom beingopenedand can only beopenedwith akey 锁,门锁Iheardsomeoneturnakeyinthe lock.我听见有人在用钥匙开门。 safetylocks安全锁 Thieves got in bysmashingthe lock off thedoor.盗贼砸坏门锁闯了进去。 - My dad's such acheapskatethat hecutshishairhimself.
- Sheeasedthekeyinto the lock,anxiousnot towakeanyone.
- If the lock hasfrozenup,trylubricatingit withoil.
- If thedoorwon'topen,tryjigglingthekeyin the lock.
- I couldseeatoncethat the lock had been tampered with.
locknoun(WATER)[C]alengthofwaterwithgatesat each end where thelevelofwatercan bechangedtoallowboatstomovebetweenpartsof acanalorriverthat are at differentheights 水闸,船闸 locknoun(DEFINITE EVENT)[C]USinformalsomething that iscertaintohappen 一定会发生的事件She's a lockforpromotionthisyear.她今年肯定会晋升的。 locknoun(HAIR)[C]asmallgroupofhairs,especiallyacurl (尤指卷发的)一股,一缕There is a lock of Napoleon'shairin thedisplaycabinet.在展柜中有一缕拿破仑的卷发。 locks[plural]literary 头发curlylocks卷发 flowinggoldenlocks飘逸的金发 locknoun(WHEELS)[U]UKtheamountaroadvehicle'sfrontwheelscan beturnedfrom onesideto the other byturningitssteeringwheel 前轮转向角度You need itonfulllock(= with thewheelturnedas much aspossible).你得把方向盘转到底。 locknoun(HOLD)[C]a way ofholdingsomeone that you arefightingagainst so that they cannotmove 锁住(对手),使(对手)动弹不得Thesmallerwrestlerheldhisopponentin afullbodylock.小个子摔跤手死死抱住对手。 Idiomslock, stock, and barrel under lock and key lockverb(MAKE SAFE)B2[Tusually+ adv/prep]to put something in asafeplaceandfastenthe lock 妥善保管,妥善保藏He locked theconfidentialdocumentsinhisfilingcabinet.他把机密文件放入文件柜妥善保管起来。 You really should lockyourcar(up)or it'll getstolen.你真应该把车锁好,否则就会被盗。 B1[IorT]tofastensomething with akey, or befastenedwith akey 锁,上锁Don'tforgetto lock thedoorwhen you go out.出去时别忘了锁门。 If youshutthedoorit will lockautomatically.门关上就会自动锁好。 - Oh, and don'tforgetto lock the backdoor.
- Someprizeidiotforgotto lock thedoor.
- "Come on,hurryup!" "I'll just/only be a second - I've got to lock the backdoor."
- If you don't lockyourdoorsandwindows, you'll be asittingtargetforburglars.
- I'd only gone a fewstepsdown theroadwhen IrealizedI'dforgottento lock thedoor.
lockverb(BECOME FIXED)[I]tobecomefixedin oneposition 锁定,锁住Itriedtostartmovingbut thewheelshad locked.我想向前移动一下,但车轮被锁住了。 Idiomsbe locked together lock horns Phrasal verbslocksthaway lock insth locksbin be locked insth locksbintosth locksbout locksbout ofsth lock (sth) up locksbup lock| American Dictionarylocknoun[C](DEVICE TO FASTEN)adevicethatkeepssomething, such as adoorordrawer,fastened, usuallyneedingakeytoopenit locknoun[C](WATER)alengthofwaterwithgatesat either end where thelevelofwatercan bechangedtoallowboatstomovebetweenpartsof acanalorriverthat are at differentheights locknoun[C](HAIR)acurlofhair, or agroupofhairs lockverb[I/T](NOT ALLOW CHANGE)to be orholdsomething in apositionorconditionwheremovement,escape, orchangeis notpossible: [T]They’re locked in alawsuitwiththeirformeremployer. [I]Thecarscrashedand thebumperslocked, making itimpossibletomove. [M]Thebankwon’t lock inourmortgagerate. lockverb[I/T](FASTEN)If you lock somethingsomewhere, you make itsafeby putting it in aspecialplaceandfasteningitclosedwith a lock: [T]He locked thedocumentsin hisfilingcabinet. Phrasal verbslocksomeoneout lock up locksomeoneup (Definition oflockfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)lock horns (with sb) tobecomeinvolvedin adisagreementorargumentwith someone: My firsttestas amanagerearly in mycareerwaslockinghornswith aunionrepresentativeat aprintfactory. lock horns (with sb) over sthTheWhiteHouseandCongresslockedhornsover how tocutthebudgetdeficit. Phrasal verbslock sth away lock in sth lock sb into sth lock sb out of sth (Definition oflockfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesoflocklock The latter is illustrated by a vertical bar in figure 4, which gives the span of results obtained in recentlock-exchange experiments.From theCambridge English Corpus It is determined by the inflow headways from both directions and bylockcharacteristics.From theCambridge English Corpus In addition to the policy, the state of the scheduler includes information aboutlockstatus (busy or available).From theCambridge English Corpus If the drawer is locked, the robot would try to open it exerting more and more force, until its force limits would be reached.From theCambridge English Corpus These included the availability of low secure or locked ward beds in local hospitals and a measure of ethnic origin.From theCambridge English Corpus This in turn should provide the opportunity to generate shorter mode locked pulses.From theCambridge English Corpus Different groups of actors receive support for influencing policy implementation, indicating several combinations of institutionallock-in and layering at the local level.From theCambridge English Corpus I ask for my friend back, and he locks me up in a solitary cell.From theCambridge English Corpus For example, suppose you try to rush through a door that has always been unlocked only to find it is locked.From theCambridge English Corpus In these configurations, there is a strong tendency for the top and bottom node tolockinto a parallel pattern.From theCambridge English Corpus Moreover, reference counts permit the following trick to avoid locking when a node is freed.From theCambridge English Corpus We also find that these solitons can interact, phaselock, and eventually merge by forming a single, narrower soliton.From theCambridge English Corpus They have broughtlock, stock and barrel into the mythology embroidered and perpetuated by a complex mix of nineteenth-century media and politics.From theCambridge English Corpus Given the configuration of the natural waterway network, the number, locations, and characteristics of locks affect the waterway system per formance.From theCambridge English Corpus It means that the end-effector can move when the active links are locked.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/lock## |