US(alsolock box)uk/ˈlɒk.bɒks/us/ˈlɑːk.bɑːks/lockboxnoun[C](CONTAINER)
asmallboxwith abuttonordials(=movingparts)thatallowyou toenteraparticularseriesofnumbersinordertoopentheboxand get thekeyskeptinside it:
钥匙锁盒A lockbox givesagentsaccesstoyourhousekeyso they can showyourhomeanytimeabuyerwantstoseeit.钥匙锁盒可以让中介拿到你的房子钥匙,这样他们就可以在买家想看你的房子的时候带他们去看。
Alockboxis asmall,sturdymetalboxthat’saffixedtoyourfrontdoor, with akeytoyourhouseinside.钥匙锁盒是一个小而坚固的金属盒,装在你的前门上,里面有你房子的钥匙。

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anyboxthat can belockedshut:
锁箱Mostplayerskeepjewelryin a lockbox when theyplay.大多数球员在比赛时把珠宝放在锁箱里。
Pendingfederalapproval, theairlineplanstoinstallthegunsinelectronicallycodedlockboxesin allplanes.在获得联邦政府批准之后,航空公司将会在所有飞机上安装电子密码锁箱,里面放上枪支。
- Statelawrequiresthatelevatorkeysbesecuredwithin 10feetof themainentranceofhigh-risebuildingsin areadilyaccessiblelockbox.
- There are thenoticestapedtodoorsand thestringoflockboxesin thefoyer, which he said would put offpotentialbuyers.
- Hekepthistapesin a lockbox in thebarracks.
General and miscellaneous containers
- Ball jar
- bin
- bindle
- biscuit tin
- caddy
- drum
- flowerpot
- geocache
- gift box
- gunnysack
- pallet
- piggy bank
- planter
- punnet
- receptacle
- safe deposit box
- workbasket
- workbox
- wormery
- wrap
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Building: locks & locksmithing
lockboxnoun[C](IN BANKING)
finance & economicsspecialized
aserviceprovidedbybanksin which a company'scustomerssendpaymentsdirectlyto abankso that themoneycan bepaidimmediatelyinto the company'sbankaccount:
银行存款箱业务,让公司的客户直接付款给银行,再由银行把钱款立即存入公司的账户。Our lockboxserviceprovidesyourbusinessquickeraccesstoyouraccountsreceivables.本行之存款箱业务能让贵公司快捷查检应收帐款。
Banks can set up "lockboxes" wherereceiptscan godirectlyinto theaccountwithoutemployeeshandlingit.银行可设置“存款箱”,让进款直接存入账户而无需客户雇员经手。
- Theproblemcentersoncheckssentto anIRSpostofficeboxin Pittsburgh, to beprocessedthrough a the bank's lockboxfacility.
- Thebanktook over theoperationof "lockbox"officesset up todepositpassportfeesandforwardapplications.
- Thecompanyplanstokeepcustomers'depositsin anelectroniclockboxthat will beoperatedby thebank.
- anti-city
- bank
- building society
- cash drawer
- central bank
- challenger bank
- chequebook
- credit
- credit union
- debit
- debit column
- deposit
- electronic banking
- giro
- investment bank
- landbanking
- overdraft
- pay
- safe deposit box
- statement
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Payment methods