smallpiecesofrubbishthat have beenleftlyingon thegroundinpublicplaces:
(散落在公共场所的)小块垃圾,废弃物About twopercentof fast-foodpackagingendsup as litter.约有2%的快餐包装会被人当作垃圾随手扔掉。

EugeneTomeev/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Rubbish and waste
- anti-litter
- anti-littering
- debris
- dejunk
- dejunking
- garbage disposal
- gubbins
- high-level waste
- influent
- jetsam
- muck
- recycle
- rubbish
- sewage
- sewerage
- shavings
- skip diving
- slag
- spoil
- white elephant
litternoun(BABY ANIMALS)
[C,+ sing/pl verb]
agroupofanimalsthat arebornat the sametimeand have the samemother:
一窝幼崽a litter ofkittens一窝小猫

Animal young
- baby
- calf
- calves
- chick
- colt
- cygnet
- fawn
- foal
- fry
- gosling
- hatchling
- heifer
- joey
- offspring
- owlet
- peachick
- piglet
- poult
- spawn
- whelp
driedgrassorplantstemsused byanimalsas abed
(动物睡觉用的)褥草,草垫Animal dwellings - natural
- anthill
- arboreal
- biome
- burrow
- byre
- cobweb
- den
- earth
- foxhole
- guest
- habitat
- hole
- holt
- lair
- molehill
- rookery
- sett
- spider's web
- warren
- wildlife corridor
litternoun(ANIMAL TOILET)
asubstancethat is put in acontainerto be used as atoiletbypets:
Parts of buildings: the toilet
- bathroom
- bedpan
- bog
- chamber pot
- cistern
- cloakroom
- convenience
- flush
- flushable
- gent
- john
- ladies' room
- latrine
- lav
- potty chair
- powder room
- privy
- public convenience
- restroom
- women's room
四处乱扔,到处乱丢Theparkwas litteredwithbottlesandcansafter theconcert.音乐会结束后,公园里到处都是被人丢弃的瓶瓶罐罐。
Dirtyclotheslittered thefloorof herbedroom.她的卧室地板上到处都是脏衣服。
be littered withsomething
Aplace,document, or otherobjectthat is littered with something has orcontainsa lot of that thing:
布满,到处都是Thenewspaperhas areputationfor being littered withspellingmistakes.该报错字连篇,尽人皆知。
todroprubbishon thegroundin apublicplace:
在公共场合乱扔垃圾People who litter often have nopridein thearea.随地乱扔垃圾的人没有地区荣誉感。
Environmental issues
- agroecology
- air pollution
- anti-conservation
- anti-conservationist
- anti-consumer
- biodegradable
- carbon neutral
- environmentally
- feed-in tariff
- food insecure
- food insecurity
- food secure
- noise pollution
- nuclear winter
- sustainability
- sustainably
- tidal power
- tipping point
- tree hugger
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Rubbish and waste
Falling and dropping