litter tray
mainlyUKuk/ˈlɪt.ə ˌtreɪ/us/ˈlɪt̬.ɚ ˌtreɪ/(USusuallylitter box)anopencontainerthat isfilledwithmaterialthatabsorbsliquidand is used as atoiletforcats:
猫砂盆I put thelittertrayin thecornerof theroomwith ascreeninfrontof it.我把猫砂盆放在房间的角落里,前面有一个屏风。
If acatseemsunableto use thelittertray, it should be taken to thevetwithoutdelay.如果猫咪似乎不能使用猫砂盆,应该立即带它去看兽医。
- Cats canquiteeasilycarryoverbacteriafromtheirlittertrays.
- Thesecretin suchcasesis toincreasetherateofemptyingandcleaningthelittertray.
- The oneproblemwe have is that they still use theindoorlittertray.
Containers for waste
- ashcan
- bag
- bin
- bin bag
- bin liner
- bottle bank
- dustbin
- dustbin bag
- garbage bag
- garbage can
- litter bin
- skip
- trash bag
- trash can
- trash can liner
- waste bin
- wastebasket
- wheelie bin