live chat
uk/ˌlaɪv ˈtʃæt/us/ˌlaɪv ˈtʃæt/adiscussionbetween twopeoplethatinvolvessendingmessagesover theinternet,especiallyto get or giveinformationabout a company'sproducts:
Thefurniturecompanyemploys20 "designconsultants" whoofferadvicebyphone,email, andlivechat.
Ourlivechatfacilityis usuallyavailablefrom 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
adiscussionbetweenpeople,especiallyanexpert,famousperson, etc. andmembersof thepublic, thatinvolvessendingmessagesover theinternetand in which anyone can takepart:
Did youmissourlivechatwith anallergyexpert?
Dan Lepard will be takingChristmasbakingquestionslaterthismonthin anotherlivechat.
- Pleasecallourhotlinenumber, orevenuseourlivechatonlinefacility.
- A24-hourlivechatisaccessible, inadditiontoconsumerservicethroughtelephoneandemail.
- TheNationalSleep Foundation willparticipatein alivechattoday fromnoonto 4 p.m.
- "Housingpriceshad notfallenon anationwidebasisat all since theDepression," he said in alivechaton The Washington TimesWebsite.
Communications - general words
- anti-satellite
- app
- autodial
- autodialler
- cable
- caller ID
- cybernetics
- fibre optics
- hack
- noise
- non-computer
- non-network
- optical fibre
- patch
- patchsomeonethrough
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- satellite
- silent
- Zoombombing