sailingspecialized(alsomain sail)uk/ˈmeɪn.seɪl/us/ˈmeɪn.seɪl/(on aboatorship) the mostimportantsail(= asheetofmaterialattachedto apole, tocatchthewindand make theboatorshipmove), which isplacedon themainmast:
主帆We weredoubtfulif we hadstrengthlefttohoistourmainsail.我们怀疑自己是否还有力气升起主帆。
We didtrytomendthemainsailbut it was toobadlyripped.我们确实尝试过修理主帆,但是它被撕裂得太严重了。

kreinick/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- To makemattersworse, thesailboat,theironlyhopeofrescue, had atornmainsail and wassteeringwith only ajib.
- Cord bycord, Harrisloosensthe mainsail until thegreatwhitesheetbelliesout with thebreeze.
- As theywatched, theysawthetallredmainsailcrumpleandfallingreatfoldson thetopof thecabin.
- Without theshieldof themainsailthesunissuddenlyuncomfortablyhot.
Parts of ships & boats
- abaft
- bilge water
- boathook
- boiler room
- bowline
- bulkhead
- cleat
- cockpit
- couchette
- escape hatch
- keel
- mast
- paddle
- spar
- stem
- sun deck
- superstructure
- topsail
- waterline
- wheelhouse