uk/ˈruːˈruː POLITELY)
in a way that is notpolite:
不礼貌地;粗鲁地She rudelyinterruptedmyspeech.她粗鲁地打断了我的话。
in a way thatrelatestosexor going to thetoilet:
下流地,淫秽地a rudelyfunnyscript粗鲁有趣的脚本
- If you've beentreatedrudely by anemployeeof abusiness,tellthemanageror write aletterto thecompany.
- I have never beentalkedto so rudely.
- "What do youcare?" Sheridanaskedher rudely.
- Hepushedrudely past her andenteredtheroom.
- You weretellingme, before I rudelyinterrupted, about howspidervenomworks.
- Despite her rudelyfunnywriting, she wasdescribedby one of thereaders'groupsas being "likeJaneAusten".
- Thebarhas rudelynamedcocktailsas aspeciality.
Rude and cheeky
- cheekily
- cheekiness
- churlish
- churlishly
- churlishness
- coarse
- coarsely
- discourteous
- fruity
- gall
- impudent
- offensively
- offensiveness
- potty mouth
- potty-mouthed
- presume
- presumptuously
- ripe
- temerity
- unrepeatable
in a way that issuddenandunpleasant:
突如其来地;突兀地Thenewsrudelypushedher into theglareof world-widepublicity.这个消息突兀地把她推到了全世界宣传的焦点。
- In themorning, thealarmrudelyarousesus.
- Thestillnesswas rudelyshatteredby thesoundofnearbygunshots.
- Herreveriewas rudelyinterruptedby thebuzzof herphone.
- Thefollowingmorning, I was rudelyawakenedby thelouddownpourofrainbashingagainst thesidesofourflimsytent.
Not expected or planned
- abruptly
- abruptness
- ad hoc
- ad hocism
- ad hockery
- extemporize
- hoof
- inconceivably
- innocent
- innocently
- instinctive
- instinctively
- spirit
- spontaneity
- spontaneous
- spontaneously
- steepness
- unannounced
- unwitting
- unwittingly
old useorliterary
in a verysimpleandroughway:
a rudelybuilthouse
- Thequarterswere rudelybuiltofrockandlogs.
- The "flat" is a rudelyfurnishedbedroomat the end of adarkhallway.
- Thebridgewasratherrudelyconstructed.
Crude and basic
- 101
- at bottomidiom
- backward
- backwardness
- bare
- crude
- elemental
- folksy
- homespun
- inelegant
- inelegantly
- low-tech
- roughness
- rudeness
- rudimentary
- rustic
- rusticate
- rustication
- skeletal
- two-dimensional
rudely healthy
- Thebabytippedthescalesat a rudelyhealthy9.88kilos.