abject misery, poverty, failure, etc.
thestateof beingextremelyunhappy,poor,unsuccessful, etc.:
极其苦恼(赤贫,极度恐怖等)Theylivein abjectpoverty.他们过着赤贫的生活。
abjectadjective(NOT PROUD)
showingnoprideorrespectfor yourself:
卑躬屈膝的;下贱的;奴性的an abjectapology低声下气的道歉
He isalmostabject in hisrespectfor hisboss.他对老板毕恭毕敬,近乎低三下四。
Feeling sad and unhappy
- a dog's lifeidiom
- a long faceidiom
- angsty
- be cut upidiom
- be down in the mouthidiom
- be in a funkidiom
- be in bitsidiom
- distraught
- distressed
- dog
- doleful
- lovelorn
- lovesick
- low-spirited
- lugubrious
- wistful
- wistfully
- woe
- woe is meidiom
- woebegone