adjective[before noun]
larger, moreimportant, or having moreinfluencethanothersof the sametype:
主要的;最重要的;最大的The mainthingis not toworry.最重要的是不要担心。
One of the mainreasonsI came toEnglandwas tostudythelanguage.我到英格兰的主要原因之一是学习语言。
You'llfindthe mainpointsof myproposalin thereport.你们可以在这份报告中看到我计划的要点。
Our mainaim/objectiveis toimprovethe company'sproductivity.我们的主要目的是提高公司的生产力。
The mainproblemis alackofresources.主要问题是缺少资金。
My mainconcernaboutmovingtoSanFransisco is thecostofhousing.我对移居旧金山的主要担忧是房价。
- Theydroppedme off at the mainentrance.
- PressEsctoreturnto the mainmenu.
- You'll beexaminedin three mainareas;speaking,listeningandreadingcomprehension.
- The maincropsgrownforexportarecoffeeandrice.
- Theopportunitytotravelis one of the mainattractionsof thisjob.
Very important or urgent
- all-important
- at all cost(s)idiom
- be a matter of life and/or deathidiom
- cardinal
- chief
- co-principal
- life-and-death
- life-changing
- mainly
- major league
- make the world go around/roundidiom
- meaningful
- pressing
- prized
- prominent
- radical
- revalorization
- revalorize
- sacred
- subtle
besomeone'smain squeeze
alargepipethatcarrieswaterorgas, or awirecarryingelectricity, from oneplaceto another, to which ahousecan beconnected:
Theseverecoldcausedawatermain toburstandfloodthestreet.严寒使总水管爆裂,水漫街道。
thesystemofpipesorwiresthatcarrywaterorelectricityinto ahouse, or thepipesthatcarrysewageaway from ahouse:
(输送水、电的)管道系统;下水道系统Thehouseisn'tonthe mains.这座房子尚未接上管道系统。
Theyboughtahousewith no mainssupply.他们买了一套没有通水电的房子。
Not all thehousesin thevillageareconnectedto thewatermains.
There are manymilesofsewagemains that are sooldthey arebeginningtofail.
the mainsUK
theplaceat whichoutsidepipesorwirescarryingwater,electricity, etc.connectwith thesysteminside ahouseorbuilding:
内外管道相接处;总阀门;总电源Switch off theelectricityat the mains beforestartingwork.工作前要先关闭总电源。
Istruggledtofindthe mainsswitch.
Makesureyou haveturnedthewateroff at the mains.
The mainstapislocatedunder thesink.
Turn theelectricityback on at the mains.
Building: plumbing, pipes & sewage
- airlock
- ballcock
- caulking
- cesspit
- cistern
- conduit
- hydrant
- influent
- mixer tap
- outfall
- overflow
- plunger
- sewage
- sewage works
- sewer
- siphon
- spigot
- standpipe
- syphon
- waterworks
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Electrical components & circuitry
mainnoun(PART OF MEAL)
thelargestor mostimportantpartof amealwhen the differentpartsof themealareservedseparately:
We each had different entrees and different mains.
For my main, I went with thetigerprawnpennepasta.
main course
Meals & parts of meals
- accompaniment
- afternoon tea
- afters
- amuse-bouche
- antipasto
- dinner time
- elevenses
- English breakfast
- feast
- feeding
- packed lunch
- picnic
- picnicker
- plate meal
- ploughman's lunch
- tapas
- tea
- tea party
- teatime
- tiffin
in the main
大体上;基本上Herfriendsareteachersin the main.她的朋友基本上都是老师。
Importance - general words
- centre of gravity
- cornerstone
- criticality
- focus
- grandness
- gravitas
- import
- overfocus
- pertinence
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- salience
- seriousness
- supremacy
- transcendence
- urgency
- value
- weight
- weightage
- worth