movementto animprovedor moredevelopedstate, or to aforwardposition:
进步,进展Technological progress has been sorapidover the last fewyears.在最近几年中,科技进步如此迅猛。
I'm notmakingmuch progress with mySpanish.我的西班牙语没多大进步。
Thedoctorsaid that she wasmakinggood progress(= gettingbetterafter amedicaloperationorillness).医生说她的情况正在好转。
Therecentfreeelectionsmarkthe nextstepin the country's progresstowardsdemocracy.最近的自由选举表明该国又朝民主迈进了一步。
The yacht'screwsaid that they weremakingrelativelyslowprogress.游艇上的船员说他们正以较为缓慢的速度前进。
in progressB2formal
happeningor being done now:
正在进行中Repairworkis in progress on the south-boundlaneof themotorwayand willcontinueuntilJune.高速公路南下的车道正在维修,6月份才会完工。
- We're makingslowbutsteadyprogress with thedecorating.
- Thedoctorwillcallnextweektocheckonyourprogress.
- Alex is justploddingalong atschool, making very little progress.
- I have toreportto mybosson progress everyFriday.
- We need somesortofgraphon which we canchartourprogress.
Making progress and advancing
- advancement
- age
- ahead
- ahead of
- anti-development
- carry
- flourish
- furtherance
- gather
- get beyondsomething
- get it togetheridiom
- grow
- journey
- mature
- pan
- ripeness
- self-advancement
- self-betterment
- self-development
- shape up
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Occurring and happening
Progress is an uncountable noun. We most commonly use it with the verb make:…progress
toimproveordevelopinskills,knowledge, etc.:
进步;改进;进展MySpanishnever really progressedbeyondthestageof beingabletoorderdrinksat thebar.我的西班牙语一点也没有真正提高,也就是能在酒吧点饮料用用。
regress(RETURN TO WORSE STATE)formal
缓慢进行As thewarprogressed, more and morecountriesbecameinvolved.随着战争的推进,越来越多的国家卷入其中。
Westartedofftalkingabout theweatherandgraduallytheconversationprogressedtopolitics.我们从谈论天气开始,话题逐渐转向政治。
tomovesomething to a moreadvancedordevelopedstate:
Idecidedto do apostgraduatecoursebecause it's a good way to progressyourcareer.
I amanxiousto progressdiscussionson the twoprojectsassoonaspossible.
As you progress up thevalley,viewsopenup.
There were nosignsindicatingthatworkersshould not progress beyond thatpoint.
- As hisillnessprogressed, he made fewerentriesin hisdiary.
- Thebuildingprojectis progressing well.
- Unfortunately this is adiseasewhich progresses veryrapidly.
- Whenever Italkto him we neverseemto progress beyond theweatherandholidays.
- Hestartedas anapprenticebutquicklyprogressed toforeman.
Making progress and advancing
- advancement
- age
- ahead
- ahead of
- anti-development
- carry
- flourish
- furtherance
- gather
- get beyondsomething
- get it togetheridiom
- grow
- journey
- mature
- pan
- ripeness
- self-advancement
- self-betterment
- self-development
- shape up
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Continue & last
Advancing and moving forward