uk/prəˈbeɪ.ʃən.ər.i/us/proʊˈbeɪ.ʃə aperiodoftimewhen acriminalmustbehavewell and notcommitany morecrimesinordertoavoidbeingsenttoprison:
缓刑期的A probationarysentencewould beappropriatein thiscase.这个案子判缓刑是合适的。
Theoffendersareallowedtoapplyfor probationaryrelease.这些罪犯被允许申请缓刑释放。
relatingto aperiodoftimewhen you are new to ajoboractivityand are beingwatchedandtestedtoseeif you aresuitable:
(工作或其他活动的)试用期的,试行期的Newstaffhave a probationaryperiodof fourteenweeksbeforetheircontractis madepermanent.新员工在其合同成为永久合同之前有十四周的试用期。
Probationaryemployeesstill havecertainrights.试用期的员工仍有某些权利。
Thevisawill give probationarystatustoillegalimmigrantsbefore theybecomeeligibletoapplyforgreencards.在非法移民获得资格申请绿卡之前,该签证将给予他们试行期身份。
- Theprosecutoraskedfor a probationarypunishment, but thejudgeinsistedon aprisonsentence.
- They areplacedfor sixmonthsonintensiveparoleor probationarysupervision.
- At thetimehe was a probationaryofficerwith Merseysidepolice.
- Teachershiredin this way areconsideredprobationary for threeyears.
- You must have been a probationarymemberfor at least 1yeartoapplyforfullmembership.
- Teens under 17 who have a probationarylicensecannot have more than onepersonwho is not afamilymemberintheircarunlessthe driver'sparentorguardianis along.
- There should betrainingonhigh-speeddrivingfor probationarymotorists.
Punishing & punishments
- ankle bracelet
- ankle tag
- attach
- attachment
- bar
- be brought/called to accountidiom
- bring
- discipline
- flay
- flaysomeonealiveidiom
- get what's coming toyouidiom
- grounded
- hair shirt
- spare
- spare the rod and spoil the childidiom
- spot fine
- stringsomeoneup
- swing
- swing for itidiom
- tagging
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Types of employment
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