uk/ˈmæk.ər/us/ˈmæk.ɚ/innorthwesternScotlandandwesternIreland, anareaoflandnext to thecoastthat isformedofsandandpiecesofshelland that iscoveredingrassandwildflowers:
(苏格兰西北部和爱尔兰西部的)沿岸沙质低地Thebeachesfacingwestaresandy,backedbythemachair, thatwonderfulwildgrasslandof thewestcoast, which in May andJuneisfilledwithflowers.西边的海滩是沙质的,背后是沙质低地,那是西海岸美丽的野生草原,在五月和六月开满了鲜花。
In Harris, there arelargeareasof machair in thesouthwest.在哈里斯,西南部有大面积的沿岸沙质低地。

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- We thenturnednorthagain tomeettheoldrouteto the machairs of thewestcoast.
- Machair crofters have ahistoryofworkingtheirlandto thebenefitofwildlife.
- The machair alsohousesimportantbirdpopulations,includingwaderssuch assnipeand oystercatchers.
Coasts & beaches
- barrier reef
- beachcomb
- beachcomber
- beachcombing
- beachfront
- coastal
- esplanade
- frontage
- groin
- mudflat
- prom
- riviera
- sandbank
- seafront
- shingle
- shore
- strand
- the Amalfi Coast
- the seaside
- tombolo