run verb (GO QUICKLY )
A1 [I orT ] (ofpeopleand someanimals) tomovealong,fasterthanwalking, by takingquickstepsin which eachfootisliftedbefore the nextfoottouchestheground:
跑,奔跑 [+ to infinitive ] Thechildrenhad to runto keepup withtheirfather. 孩子们得一路跑着才能跟上他们的父亲。
I can run amilein fiveminutes. 我可以在5分钟里跑1英里。
Thesheepranaway/off infright. 羊受惊跑掉了。
A littlegirlranup to (= camequicklybeside) me,cryingfor herdaddy. 一个小女孩跑到我身边,哭着让我替她找爸爸。
In the semi-final she will be runningagainst hernearestrival. 半决赛中,她将与水平最接近自己的对手一决高下。
The first tworaceswill be run(= willhappen) in 20minutes. 头两个赛跑项目将在20分钟后举行。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto run
runShe saw him running down the street. sprintI had to sprint to catch the bus. jog"What do you do to keep fit?" "I jog and go swimming." raceHe raced up the stairs to answer the phone. rushEveryone rushed to the door when the alarm went off. dashHe dashed out the door after the dog. See more results »
[T ] If you run ananimalin arace, youcauseit to takepart:
使(狗、马等)参加比赛;赛(狗、马等) Thompson Stables are running threehorsesin the nextrace. 汤普森赛马训练公司将派出3匹马参加下一场比赛。
[I + adv/prep ] to goquicklyor in ahurry:
赶快;迅速赶往;匆忙跑(到某地方) Would you run to thepostofficeand get me somestamps? 你能不能赶快到邮局给我买一些邮票来?
You don't put onweightwhen youspendalldayrunning around aftersmallchildren. 你整天不歇脚地跟在小孩们后面转是胖不起来的。
run forsomething
to runfastinorderto get oravoidsomething:
奔跑追赶;赶抢;快跑躲避 I ran for thebusbut itdroveoff. 我跑着去赶公共汽车,但是车却开走了。
run on the spot UK (US run in place )
tomoveyourlegsas if running, while youstayin oneplace:
原地踏步跑 I run on thespottowarmup before Istarttraining. 我在开始训练前原地踏步跑做准备活动。
"How does shemanageto run sofastat herage?" heaskedinawedtones. Theystrippednakedand ran into thesea. "I ran all the wayhome," shepuffed. People werescreamingand running down thestepstoescapetheflames. She runs muchfasterthan he does. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMoving quickly
agility beetle bowl down/alongsomething careen career gallop gun leg outsail pelt rush scamper scoot scrabble scramble scud shoot stampede ton trot See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Competing in sport
Running away and escaping
Exercising & training
run verb (TRAVEL )
B2 [I orT ,usually + adv/prep ] to (causesomething to)travel,move, orcontinuein aparticularway:
(使)行进,(使)行驶,(使)移动;(使)持续 Trains are still running,despitethesnow. 尽管下了雪,列车仍在运行。
Abusruns(= goes on aparticularrouteatparticulartimes) threetimesadayintotown. 有一趟公共汽车每天3次开往城里。
Skis arewaxedon thebottomso that they runsmoothlyover thesnow. 滑雪板底部打了蜡,这样就能在雪上滑得顺畅自如。
Theroute/railway/roadruns(= goes) across theborder/into Italy/through themountains. 这条路线/铁道/公路穿过国界/通向意大利境内/在群山中穿行。
Aclimbingrosebushruns(=grows) up thesideof thedoor. 一丛攀缘蔷薇盘绕在门侧。
There's abeautifulcornicerunningaround/round all theceilings. 所有的天花板四边都装饰着漂亮的檐口。
Thefilmruns(=lasts) for twohours. 这部电影长两个小时。
The show/course/filmruns(=continues) for anotherweek. 演出/课程/电影播放将再继续一周。
Amagazinesubscriptionusually only runs(= can be used) for oneyear. 杂志订阅期限通常只能是一年。
Buses are running anhourlate , because of anearlieraccident. 因为先前的一起车祸,公共汽车的运行晚点一小时。
The truck'sbrakesfailedand it ran(= went) off theroad. 卡车刹车失灵,冲出了马路。
Trains runon rails(=movealong ontopof them) . 火车在铁轨上行驶。
Electricity is runningthrough (=movingalong within) thiscable. 电流正通过这条电缆。
Anangrymutteringranthrough (= went through) thecrowd. 人群中传出一阵低沉而愤怒的抱怨声。
Ashiveroffearranthrough his (body). 一阵恐惧的战栗传遍他全身。
She ran herfingeralong/down thepage/list,lookingfor hername. 她用手指一行行划过那张纸/名单寻找自己的名字。
Could you run thetape/film/videoback/forwards ,please? 你可以把磁带/电影/录像带倒回去/向前快进一下吗?
Could youpossiblyrun me(= take me inyourcar) home/to thestation? 你能否开车把我送回家/到车站?
He ran(=pushed) hisfingersthrough hishairandlookedup at me. 他用手梳拢了一下头发,抬头看我。
Ariverruns along onesideof the field'sperimeter. Theringroadruns around theperipheryof thecitycentre. Arippleofapplauseran through thecrowd. Her wordskeptrunning through mymind. Adeepfurrowhasformedin therock, wherewaterhas run over it forcenturies. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAdvancing and moving forward
advancing beeline come come over come up cruise gain gain onsomeone/something ghost glide head make make forsomewhere/something make towardssomething/someone proceed progress pull push slide stream See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
run verb (OPERATE )
B2 [I orT ] to (causesomething to)operate:
(使)运转;(使)运作;(使)运行;操作 Keepclearof themachineswhile they're running. 机器运转时不要靠近。
Thegovernmenttookdesperatemeasurestokeeptheeconomyrunning. 政府采取孤注一掷的措施来维持经济的运行。
Do youknowhow to run thissortofmachinery? 你会操作这种机器吗?
Themechanicaskedme to run theengine(=switchit on andallowit towork) for aminute. 修车工人让我发动引擎转一分钟。
They had the newcomputersystemup and running(=working) within anhour. 他们一小时之内就使新的计算机系统运行起来了。
We've run thecomputerprogram, but nothinghappens. 我们已经运行了这个计算机程序,但是没有起作用。
We're running(= doing) anexperiment. 我们正在做一个试验。
B1 [T ] to be incontrolof something:
经营;管理;开办 He's been running arestaurant/his owncompanysince heleftschool. 他毕业后就一直在经营自己的饭店/公司。
Thelocalcollegeruns(=provides) acourseinself-defence. 当地的一所大学开了一门自我防卫课。
a well-run/badly-runorganization/business/course 管理良好/不善的组织;经营良好/很差的公司;设置得很好/差的课程
run a tight ship
tocontrolabusinessor otherorganizationfirmlyandeffectively:
牢牢控制,有效的严格管理 Ruth runs atightshipand has notimeforshirkers. 露丝执行了有效的严格管理,员工没有办法开小差。
[T ] If you run acar, you own one,driveit, andpayfor thecosts:
拥有(自己的车);养(车) I can'taffordto run acar. 我养不起车。
[T ] toorganizethe way youliveorwork:
安排(生活或工作) Somepeopleruntheirlivesaccordingto themovementsof thestars. 一些人按照星体的运行规律来安排自己的生活。
We mustimposesomekindoforderon the way thisofficeis run. Modification of theengineto run on lead-freefuelisfairlysimple. Feedback from thesensorsensuresthat thecarenginerunssmoothly. Theengineersoongot the air-conditioning running again. We are running belowcapacitybecause ofcancelledorders. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMachines - Functioning
action actuator asthmatically deactivation engaged firesomeone up function assomething/someone functional functionality functioning in commission idiom operate operational order power reset self-driving start start (something ) up tick over See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Managing and organizing
Controlling and being in charge
On the road: driving & operating road vehicles
run verb (FLOW )
B2 [I orT ] to (causesomething to)floworproduceliquid:
(使)流动;(使)流出;(使)排出;(尤指衣服的颜色)褪色,扩散,渗色 I canfeeltricklesofsweatrunningdown myneck. 我可以感觉到津津汗水顺着脖子往下流淌。
Don'tcry, oryourmake-upwill run(=becomeliquidandmovedownyourface) . 别哭了,要不然化的妆就要花了。
Thewallswere runningwith damp. 墙受潮出现了斑斑渍迹。
Theriverruns(down) to/into thesea. 这条河流入大海。
Thehottapis runningcold(=producingcoldwater) ! 热水龙头竟然流出了冷水!
Iturnedthetapon and ran somecoldwateron theburn. 我打开水龙头用凉水冲被烫伤的地方。
[+ two objects ] I'll run you ahotbath(=fillabathwithwaterfor you) . 我去给你放洗澡水。
Mynoseandeyeshave been running allweekbecause ofhayfever. 我得了干草热,一星期都在流鼻涕淌眼泪。
figurative After twelvehoursat hercomputer, the wordsbeganto runinto one another(=seemmixedtogether) . 她在文字处理机前工作了12小时后,看屏幕上的字都觉得模糊一片了。
Synonyms dribble (FLOW SLOWLY)
flow (MOVE)
trickle down, from, out of, etc.something
[I orT ] (ofcoloursinclothes, etc.) to come out orspread:
(衣服的颜色)褪色,扩散,渗色 I must havewashedmydressat too high atemperature, because thecolourhas run. 我洗这件裙子时用的水肯定太热了,因为都褪色了。
If the firstlayerisn'tdrybefore youaddthe next one, thecolourswill runinto each other(=mix) . 如果第一层没有干就涂上第二层,那两层的颜色就会渗在一起。
Thetearsran down hercheeks. I put my newgreenshirtin ahotwashand thecolourran. Rivulets ofsweatran down hisface. Mynosehasstartedto run. I waschoppingonionsso myeyeswere running. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMovement of liquids
backsplash be dripping withsomething idiom bleed decant drainage drip eddy leakage ripple run a bath phrase runsomeone/something over runnel seep seepage spate swill swirl topsomething up trickle tub See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
run verb (BECOME )
[L only + adj ] to be orbecome:
变得;变成;成为 Differences between the twosidesrundeep (= areserious) . 双方的分歧加剧了。
Theriver/reservoir/well randry (=itssupplyofwaterfinished) . 河水/水库/水井干涸了。
Supplies are runninglow (= there's not muchleft) . 储备所剩无几了。
We'rebeginningto runshortof money/Money isbeginningto runshort (= there's not muchleft) . 我们的钱快花完了/钱快花完了。
By thistimeall thewellshad rundry. I'llstopand get somegas- we're runninglow. We're runninglowonmilk- could youbuysome more? Ourpatienceran out. Feelings were running high at theresidents'meeting. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesExisting and being
account forsomething alive be be a thing idiom been come estate existential extant found have legs idiom hood lie in living spring up they're thing viability we're who're See more results »
run verb (HOLE )
[I ]
(UK alsoladder ) Iftights (=thinclothingthatcoversthelegs) run, along,thinholeappearsin them:
(连裤袜或长筒袜上的)脱线,抽丝 Oh no, mytightshave run! 哎呀,糟了,我的连裤袜抽丝了!
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTearing and breaking into pieces
apart asunder bobble bobbly break(something) off chip crack fall apart fall to pieces idiom fragment fragmentation fragmented frayed rip splinter split sunder tearsomething apart tearsomething up teardown See more results »
run verb (SHOW )
C1 [T ] to show something in anewspaperormagazine, ontelevision, etc.:
发表,刊登;播出 All thenewspapersran(=printed) storiesabout the newpeacetalks. 所有报纸都刊登了新一轮和谈的消息。
Channel 4 is running aserieson theunfairnessof thelegalsystem. 第四频道正在播出揭露法律体系不公正之处的系列节目。
[I ] Indian English If afilmis running at aparticularplace, you canseeit there:
(电影在某处)放映 What's running at the the Metro thisweek? 这周Metro电影院在放什么电影?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNewspapers & magazines
above/below the fold idiom annal anti-press back copy broadsheet comic editorial fold house journal house organ journal lad mag magazine organ reader sentinel serialize Sunday paper supermarket tabloid tabloid See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Broadcasting in general
Cinema - general words
run verb (POLITICS )
[I ] tocompeteas acandidatein anelection:
参加竞选 MrsThatcherwantedto run a fourthtime. 撒切尔夫人想要第四次参加竞选。
He's going to runagainst Smith/for president/for re-election. 他将要和史密斯作为对手进行竞选/竞选总统/竞选连任。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesElections
absentee absentee ballot absentee vote absentee voter absentee voting entrance poll exit poll first-past-the-post flip franchise primary proportional representation proxy proxy vote proxy voter votesomething through voting voting booth voting machine voting slip See more results »
run for office
tocompeteas acandidate in anelectionfor apositionofauthorityandresponsibilityin agovernmentor otherorganization:
参加竞选 She isconsideringrunning foroffice. 她正在考虑参加竞选。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesElections
absentee absentee ballot absentee vote absentee voter absentee voting entrance poll exit poll first-past-the-post flip franchise primary proportional representation proxy proxy vote proxy voter votesomething through voting voting booth voting machine voting slip See more results »
run verb (TAKE )
[T ] to takegunsordrugsillegallyfrom oneplaceto another:
走私,非法携带(枪支或毒品) He wasarrestedfor runningdrugsacross theborderinto America. 他因为越境向美国走私毒品而被捕。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTrafficking & racketeering
anti-racketeering anti-smuggling bagman black market contraband counter gun-running missell misselling modern slavery pass people trafficking racket scalp scammer sellsomeone a bill of goods idiom smuggle smuggling tout traffic See more results »
Idioms be running on empty
run aground/ashore
run a mile
run and run
runsomeone close
run errands
run high
run in the family
run throughsomeone's head/mind
runits course
runyour eye oversomething
runyourself into the ground
be running a fever
be running atsomething
running with blood
runsomeone out of town (on a rail)
runsomeone ragged
run round in circles
run the show
run throughsomeone's mind/head
runsomeone/something to ground
run wild
Phrasal verbs run acrosssomeone
run acrosssomething
run aftersomeone/something
run aftersomething
run aftersomeone
run againstsomeone/something
run along!
run around
run around aftersomeone
run around withsomeone
run away
run away withsomeone
run away withsomething
runsomething bysomeone
runsomeone/something down
run(something) down
runsomething down
runyourself down
runsomething in
runsomeone in
run(something) intosomething/someone
run intosomeone
run intosomething
run off
runsomething off
run off withsomething
run on
run onsomething
run out
runsomeone out
run out onsomeone/something
runsomeone/something over
run over
run over(something)
run over/throughsomething
run round
run throughsomething
runsomeone/something through
run tosomething
runsomething up
run up againstsomething
run withsomething
run noun (GO QUICKLY )
B1 [C ] theactionof running,especiallyforexercise:
跑,奔跑;(尤指为了锻炼而进行的)跑步 Wego for/do a three-mile run everyeveningafterwork. 我们每天傍晚下班后都会跑上3英里。
If you set offat a run(= running) , you'll beexhaustedlater. 如果你一开始就跑,过些时候你就会筋疲力尽的。
Jimhad just been on a run and wasdrippingwithsweat. Thelocalelectionscan beseenas adummyrun for thenationalelectionnextyear. Theescapeeswererecapturedafter threedayson the run. After the run they werefittodrop. "Do youwanttojoinme on a ten-mile run?" "Notlikely!" SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMoving quickly
agility beetle bowl down/alongsomething careen career gallop gun leg outsail pelt rush scamper scoot scrabble scramble scud shoot stampede ton trot See more results »
run noun (TRAVEL )
Thenumberofaircrafton the New York-Moscow run is beingincreased. 纽约—莫斯科之间的航线正在增加航班。
old-fashioned Let's go for a run(out) in thecarsomewhere. 让我们开车到(外面)什么地方兜兜风吧。
Theplaneswoopedin onitsbombingrun. 飞机猛然俯冲下来轰炸。
[C ] theperiodduring which aplayisperformed:
(一部戏的)连续上演(期) The musical's London run was adisaster. 该音乐剧在伦敦的演出彻底失败。
They're doing a run at the Cambridge Playhouse. 他们正在多玛仓库剧院进行连续演出。
England'sunbeatenrun of tengamesendedlastnightwhen they went down 4-2 to France. Her run ofbadluckcontinuedwhen she had herpursestolen. After asuccessfulrun on Broadway themusicalis coming to theWestEnd. Theschoolrun in themorningincreasescongestionon theroads. Thebusbrokedown onitsrun between Brighton and London. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesJourneys
adventure break-journey carpool carpooling circumnavigation commuting expedition field trip flight haul jaunt journey junket layover odyssey ride sail stopover trip wanderings See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spectacles & performances
run noun (BUY )
[C usually singular ] asituationin which manypeoplesuddenlybuyaparticularproduct:
抢购;争购 There's been a runon umbrellasbecause of all thisrain. 就因为这场雨,大家都在抢购雨伞。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBuying
acquire acquisition acquisitiveness bidding bidding war bite extravagance load up onsomething misorder money-off order form ordersomething in purchasing power reimportation repurchase retail therapy ROBO ROPO slate splurge See more results »
run noun (SELL )
[C usually singular ] asituationin which manypeoplesuddenlysellaparticularproduct:
抛售 Asuddenrunon thedollarhaslowereditsvalue. 突然出现的抛售导致美元贬值。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSelling
auction Black Friday bundle bundling chain of production concession outsell oversell panic selling peddle pile pile it high and sell it cheap idiom ply sales drive salesmanship sell out sellsomething off sellout soft sell sting See more results »
run noun (SERIES )
a run ofsomething
C2 A run of something is acontinuousperiodduring which itlastsor isrepeated:
一连串 a run of successes/defeats/badluck 一个又一个的成功/一连串的失败/厄运连连
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOrder and sequence - general words
alphabetize around back end be a chapter of accidents idiom catalogue chapter cycle inline linear linearity linearly litany merry-go-round priority procession secondly sequence sequencing string wave See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Periods of time - general words
run noun (ORDINARY )
the general/usual run ofsomething
theusualtypeof something:
(某物的)普通类型,一般货色 Theirfoodis thegeneralrun ofhotelcooking. 他们的饭菜是一般宾馆饭菜的水平。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCategories and varieties
bad/big boy idiom breed categoric categorical category classification form genre model order polymorphism shade sort stratification style subcategory substance typology update variety See more results »
run noun (AREA )
[C ] anareaofgroundoflimitedsizeforkeepinganimals:
饲养场;牧场 asheep/chicken/henrun 牧羊场/养鸡场
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnimal dwellings - man-made
animal shelter apiary aviary beehive bird box birdcage crate doghouse dovecote fish tank fishbowl hive perch pigeon loft pigpen pigsty rabbit hutch rescue centre stall sty See more results »
run noun (POINT )
B2 [C ] incricketandbaseball, asinglepoint,scoredby running from oneplaceto another:
(板球或棒球中的)一分 Englandneed 105 runs towinthegame. 英格兰队需要得到105分才能赢得比赛。
ahomerun 本垒打
Pakistandeclaredat 350 for 7,leavingAustraliato make anunlikely5 runs an over towin. It isn'teasytoscoreruns againstpacebowlers. Asingletoextracoverbroughthim the run heneededtocompletehiscentury. Thorpescoredmost of his runs on thelegside. Englandscored158 runs beforelunchfor thelossof only onewicket. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCricket
12th man ash bails phrase ball-tampering batting average bowlsomeone out bowling cricketing cut declaration declare deep delivery glance leg before wicket idiom pace bowler six snick spin bowler phrase test match See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
run noun (HOLE )
[C ]
(UK alsoladder ) along,verticalholeintights andstockings :
(连裤袜或长筒袜上的)脱线,抽丝 I've got a run in mytightsfrom thenailon mychair. 我的连裤袜被椅子上的钉子刮了一下,抽丝了。
vadiar/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHoles, hollows and dips
anti-crack aperture blistered chink cranny cratering escape hatch gouge hollow imprint intake interstice leak leaky nook nooks and crannies idiom piercing pinprick shaft void See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Tearing and breaking into pieces
run noun (ILLNESS )
the runs informal
aconditionof thebowelsin which thecontentsarepassedout of thebodytoo often and in aformthat is tooliquid
拉肚子,腹泻,跑肚 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDigestive disorders
achalasia acid reflux anti-diarrhoea anti-diarrhoeal appendicitis Aztec two-step diarrhoea flatulence flatus gastro-oesophageal reflux disease gastroenteritis gastroparesis GORD IBD indigestion regurgitation sprue stomach flu ulcerative colitis unexplained gastrointestinal bleeding See more results »
Idioms against the run of play
givesomeone a run forhis/her/their money
have a good run foryour money
in the long run
in the short run
make a run for it
be on the run
on the run
the run ofsomething
(Definition ofrun from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
run verb (GO QUICKLY )
[I/T ] tomoveyourlegsfasterthan whenwalking, with theweightofyourbodypressingforward:
[I ] They ran for thebusand got there just intime.
[T ] Hugh runs fivemilesaday.
[I ] Wewantaplacewith abigbackyardwithroomfor thekidsto run around.
[I ] fig. I’ve got to run now(=hurryaway) because I’m late for myappointment.
run verb (TRAVEL/GO )
[I/T ] totravelor go, tomovesomething, or to bepositionedin aparticularway:
[I ] Thebusruns threetimesadaybetween here and Albuquerque.
[I ] I’m going to run down to thebanktocashmycheck.
[I ] Trains are running twentyminuteslate because of theweather.
[I ] Thecarskiddedon theiceand ran off theroad.
[I ] Ashiveroffearran through her.
[T ] Johnsaid he’d run me back toschool(= take me there in hiscar) .
[I ] Adeepcreekruns through theproperty.
[I ] Theroadruns along thecoast.
[I/T ] If you runyourfingerorhandover something, youmoveitquickly:
[T ] She ran herfingersalong theedgeof thedesk.
[I/T ] If you run something throughyourhair, youmoveitquicklyandeasily:
[T ] He ran acombthrough hishair.
[I/T ] If adriveror avehicleruns asignorsignaltostop, thevehiclecontinueswithoutstopping:
[T ] Ourtaxiran aredlightand atruckrammedus in theside.
run verb (OPERATE )
[I/T ] tomanageoroperatesomething:
[T ] She runs thebusinessout of herhome.
[I ] Shelefttheenginerunning while she went into thestore.
[T ] Can you run both of theseprogramsatonce?
[T ] They’re runningtestson hisheartfunctions.
[I/T ] If something runs on aparticulartypeofenergy, it uses thattypeofenergytooperate:
[I ] Somecalculatorsrun onsolarpower.
run verb (FLOW )
[I/T ] tocausealiquidtoflow, or toproducealiquidthatflows:
[T ] He ran a littlecoldwaterinto thesink.
[I ] He has acoldand hisnoseis running.
[I ] Tears were running down herface.
run verb (LOSE COLOR )
[I ] (ofcolors) to come out ofmaterialandmixwith othercolors, so that theoriginalcolorsarelost:
If youwashthedressinhotwater, thecolorswill run.
run verb (POLITICS )
[I ] totryto getelected; be acandidate:
Kutukas ranunsuccessfullyforsheriff.
run verb (BE/CONTINUE )
to be,become, orcontinuein aparticularway:
[L ] Thedoctoris running abitlate.
[L ] We’re runninglowongas.
[I always + adv/prep ] Inflation is running at 4%.
[I always + adv/prep ] The show ran on Broadway for sixweeksbeforeclosing.
run verb (SHOW )
[T ] to show something in anewspaperormagazine, or ontelevision:
Bothpartiesare already runningcampaignads.
run verb (HOLE )
[I ] (ofcloth,esp.stockings(=thin, tight-fittingclothingfor a woman’sfeetandlegs) ) todevelopalongverticalhole:
Idioms in the running
run afoul ofsomething
run amok
run out the clock
something runs insomeone’s family
run the gamut
run the risk ofdoing something
run with it
Phrasal verbs run acrosssomeone/something
run aftersomeone/something
run around
run around withsomeone
run away
runsomething bysomeone
run downsomething/someone
run down(someone/something)
run downsomething
run downsomething
run downsomething/someone
run intosomeone
run intosomething
run(something) intosomething
run offsomething
run off(somewhere)
runsomeone/something off(somewhere)
run off withsomething/someone
run out
run oversomething/someone
run oversomething
run(someone) throughsomething
run throughsomething
run throughsomething
run tosomething
run upsomething
run up againstsomething/someone
run noun [C] (POINT )
(inbaseball) asinglepoint,scoredbytouchingeach of the fourbases(=positionson asquare) in thecorrectorder
run noun [C] (HOLE )
along,verticalholeinparticulartypesofcloth,esp.stockings(=thin, tight-fittingclothingfor a woman’sfeetandlegs)
run noun [C] (TRAVELING/GOING )
Thetrainmadeitsfinalrun in 1986.
run noun [C] (BEING/CONTINUING )
aperiodduring which somethinghappensorcontinues:
Themoviestartsa two-week runtonight.
(Definition ofrun from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[I orT ] tooperate, or make somethingoperate:
Keepclearof thefanswhile they're running.
Do youknowhow to run thissortofmachinery?
We've run thecomputerprogram, but nothinghappens.
[T ] MANAGEMENT to be incontrolof ormanagesomething:
He's been running his owncompanysince heleftschool.
Sheleftme to run thestorewhile she went on herlunchbreak.
government-run/family-run/student-run Therestaurantis a family-runbusiness.
[I orT ] TRANSPORT totravelormovein aparticularway, orcausesomething to do this:
Trains are still running,despitethesnow.
Abusruns intotownthreetimesaday.
We're running four moretrainsthanusualtoaccommodatethe highnumberofpassengers.
[I orT ] tocontinueorhappen, orcausesomething tocontinueorhappenin aparticularway:
Amagazinesubscriptionusually runs for oneyear.
We'll be running thecoursefor anotheryear.
run smoothly/run according to plan Toensurethat theseprojectsrunsmoothly,executivesare nowencouragedtoattendtrainingcourses.
[T ] to take something to apersonorplace:
run sth over/out/down, etc. to sb/sth Can you run theseordersover to thewarehouse,please?
[I ] to be orcontinueat or near aparticularlevel:
run at sth Inflation has been running at 2% for the pastyear.
Supplies arerunninglow .
[T ] to show something in anewspaperormagazine, ontelevision, etc.:
run astory/article/piece
Theyran theadvertisement on all themajornetworksfor amonth.
[I ] POLITICS ,GOVERNMENT totryto beelectedtogovernmentor otherpositionin anelection:
run for sth He ran forstateAttorneyGeneralin 2010.
Meyersdecidedtorun foroffice again thefollowingyear.
run against sb She is running against a multi-millionairebusinessman.
run a check (on sb/sth)
tolookthroughrecordstofindoutfactsabout someone or something:
Werunbackgroundchecks on allprospectiveemployees.
run a test (on sth)
toperformascientificexaminationtodetermineif somethingworks, someone ishealthy, etc.:
We ranperformancetestson the preproductionmachine, whichperformedwell.
Doctors ranteststotrytodetermineif theworkers'healthproblemswerework-related.
run a deficit/surplus
ECONOMICS ,GOVERNMENT if agovernmentruns adeficitorsurplus, it has less or moremoneyinitsaccountsthan itneeds:
Thepreviousgovernmentwashappyto run ahugedeficitforyears.
run a/the risk of doing sth
to be in asituationin which there is thepossibilitythat somethingbadmighthappen:
Acompanywithout goodcustomerserviceruns theriskoflosingitscustomers' good will.
run a tight ship
tocontrolabusinessor otherorganizationfirmlyandeffectively:
The woman whomanagesthepostroomruns a verytightship.
run your eye over sth
tolookquicklyat thewholeof something:
Would youmindrunningyoureyeover thisagreementbefore Isignit?
be running late
to beunableto get to aplaceby theagreedorexpectedtime
run around in circles informal
to be veryactivewithoutachievingany goodresults:
Peter's been running round incirclessincehalfhisdepartmentresigned.
run out of time
to have notimelefttofinishsomething or get to aplace:
We're running out oftime- thereporthas to bereadyfor themeetingtonight.
run short (of sth)
to have alowsupplyof something:
Forecasting iscrucial: you don'twantto runshortor have awarehouseofunsoldproduct.
Theonlinetravelsitedeniesthat it is runningshortofcash.
run the numbers
FINANCE to docalculationsinordertodecidewhether aparticularplanisfinanciallypractical:
She ran thenumbersanddecidedto re-finance hermortgage.
run the rule over sth
toexaminesomething toseeif it is good enough orrightfor aparticularpurpose:
Anumberofbiddersareunderstoodto be running theruleover thecompany.
run the show informal
to be theleaderincontrolof agroupofpeopledoing something:
If you needhelp,askMark- he's running the show.
Phrasal verbs run across sb
run across sth
run around
run sth by/past sb
run down
run into sb
run into sth
run sth off
run on
run out
run over sth
run through sth
run to sth
run sth up
run up against sth
run with sth
PRODUCTION all of aparticularproductmade at onetime:
The first run of 50,000unitssoldout in aweek.
Thebookhad aninitialprintrun of 3,000copies.
Smallerproductionruns arelikelyto beneeded.
aperiodwhen aseriesof good things orbadthingshappen:
a run of good/bad luck We've hadquitea run of goodluckthismonth.
a run on sth
COMMERCE aperiodwhenpeoplebuymore of aparticularproductthanusual:
Thewarmweathersparkeda run onairconditioners.
ECONOMICS aperiodwhen manypeoplesuddenlysellmore of aparticularcurrencythanusual:
a run on the dollar/pound/yen Asuddenrun on thedollarhaslowereditsvalue.
a run on the bank
BANKING ,FINANCE ,ECONOMICS aperiodwhen manypeopletaketheirmoneyout of abankbecause they areafraidthebankwill go out ofbusiness:
A run on thebankbycustomersdrainedabout $133 million.
See also bank run
bear run
bull run
cheque run
split run
test run
(Definition ofrun from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof run run
A simulated experiment with an atom trap was planned with five sections, and then letrun to generate the composition. From theCambridge English Corpus
However, they soon were forced to abandon these plans after running into a powerful barrage of criticism. From theCambridge English Corpus
The runs with the glass upper surface duplicated the conditions with the copper plate and the corresponding photographs were correlated. From theCambridge English Corpus
Jeeter does not share his ill-begotten gains with his co-conspirators, however, but runs away and eats his fill before returning home with the remaining turnips. From theCambridge English Corpus
To be more precise, he runs away from the law by defiantly refusing to win the race as the favourite competitor. From theCambridge English Corpus
The lottery runs over 36 weeks, with one number being drawn and not replaced each week. From theCambridge English Corpus
The verb-and-particle ttwui-e "run " is revised and replaced with the verb-and-particle tul-e "enter". From theCambridge English Corpus
It aggressively exploits the parallelism made possible by sending requests to multiple remote data sources simultaneously and by scheduling tasks torun on multiple processors. From theCambridge English Corpus
The model isrun under twelve different conditions - three initial parties and four initial parties, and within each of these six different informational conditions. From theCambridge English Corpus
Run -down and built-in are initially stressed in attributive position, which is the more typical function of adjectives (see below).From theCambridge English Corpus
The new team-based algorithm took substantially more time torun to completion than the original separable algorithm. From theCambridge English Corpus
In the present study, runs involving 11 parameters sometimes took 5-h to complete. From theCambridge English Corpus
The reversal is supposed to start instantaneously and torun at exactly the same speed as the forward simulation. From theCambridge English Corpus
The agreement was too indefinite to be enforced - how long was the loan supposed torun ? From theCambridge English Corpus
In these tables, all numbers represent the average of ten runs. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith run run These are words often used in combination withrun .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
extended run
This resulted in an extended run and strong word-of-mouth that led to exhibitions in other cities.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
five-year run
We could give industry that five-year run and increase not only private investment but public investment.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
limited run
The show created such a stir of anticipation among the theatrical community that the entire limited run sold out long before opening night.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.