A2[C,+ sing/pl verb]
anorganizationofpeoplewith acommonpurposeorinterest, whomeetregularlyand takepartinsharedactivities:
俱乐部;社团I've justjoinedthelocalgolf/squash/tennisclub.我刚参加了当地的高尔夫球/壁球/网球俱乐部。
Visitors must beaccompaniedby clubmembers.来访者必须有会员陪同。
B1[C,+ sing/pl verb]
队,组,班The Orioles are anexcitingclub thisyear.黄鹂队今年的表现令人振奋。
Stockport County Football Club斯多克港足球俱乐部
abuildingin which a clubmeets
俱乐部大楼,会所- Therugbyclub has amatchnextweekagainst the Giants.
- The children's clubmeetseveryThursdayafternoon.
- You have toapplyformembershipof thesportsclub.
- Dave and Ianbelongto the samechessclub.
- Isee(that) thesocialclub isorganizingatheatretripnextmonth.
Organizations, Societies & clubs
- Assn
- Assoc.
- cellular
- co-op
- collective
- collegium
- confederacy
- confederation
- consortium
- cooperative
- foundation
- guild
- host
- institute
- mission
- outfit
- rump
- substation
- syndicate
- youth club
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Competitors & participants in sports & games
Public entertainment venues
aplacethatpeoplego to inordertodanceanddrinkin theevening:
夜总会I went to that new club that's justopened.我去了那家新开的夜总会。
See also
Public entertainment venues
- amphitheatre
- amusement arcade
- auditorium
- bandstand
- bar
- beer garden
- beer tent
- bowling alley
- drive-in
- fleshpot
- free house
- gastropub
- gazebo
- off-Broadway
- opera house
- palace
- party tent
- pick-up joint
- waxwork
- wine bar
along,thinstickused ingolftohittheball:
高尔夫球棒a set ofgolfclubs一套高尔夫球棒

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- bogie
- bunker
- caddy
- clip
- crazy golf
- cut
- delivery
- dogleg
- driver
- fore
- fringe
- golf
- golf ball
- hook
- outhit
- round
- slice
- tee(something)up
- teesomeoneoff
- yip
aheavystickused as aweapon
(用作武器的)棍,棒Hand weapons
- battleaxe
- bayonet
- blowgun
- blowpipe
- bludgeon
- catapult
- goad
- haft
- halberd
- harpoon
- hilt
- jackknife
- rapier
- sabre
- scabbard
- scimitar
- shanghai
- shank
- sheath knife
- two-edged
one of the foursuitsinplayingcards,representedby asymbolwith three roundleaves:
梅花牌the three/Kingofclubs三张梅花牌/梅花K
aplayingcardfrom thesuitof clubs:
(一张)梅花(牌)Now you have toplaya club if you have one.现在,如果你手里有梅花,就必须出。

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Card games
- all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- bridge
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
in the club
uk/klʌb/us/klʌb/-bb-tobeatapersonor ananimal, usuallyrepeatedly, with aheavystickorobject:
棒打,棒击He was clubbed over thehead.他头上挨了一棍。
Thealligatorsare then clubbedtodeath.接着短吻鳄被乱棒打死。
Hitting and beating
- at-risk
- bangsomeoneup
- basher
- bashing
- battered
- brain
- bunch
- butt
- head-butt
- hell
- kick
- knock
- knocksomeone'sblock offidiom
- mess
- swing
- tansomeone'shideidiom
- tar
- wallop
- whop
- whup
Phrasal verb
club together