uk/ˌləʊˈkɑːb/us/ˌloʊˈkɑːrb/containingonlysmallamountsofcarbohydrate(= one of the severalsubstances, such assugarorstarch, thatprovidethebodywithenergy, orfoodscontainingthesesubstances, such asbread,potatoes,pasta, andrice):
Manydoctorsareconcernedthat low-carbdietsofferanoverlysimplisticapproachtonutrition.
Carbs arebannedfor 14daysand after that you must onlyeatlow-carbfoods.
- Nutritionexpertshavesuggestedthat low-carbdietsposehealthrisks.
- Most low-carbproductscarrylittle to nosugar, whichexpandsfoodchoicesfor those withdiabetes.
- Evenpetfoodscome in low-carbvariations.
Diets & dieting
- caloric
- calorie
- calorie-controlled
- calorific
- carb-free
- clean eating
- cleanse
- diabetic
- dieter
- fatty
- functional food
- ketogenic diet
- lacto-ovo vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarianism
- locavore
- macrobiotic
- malnourished
- nutraceutical
- well balanced