magic lantern
uk/ˌmædʒ.ɪk ˈlæn.tən/us/ˌmædʒ.ɪk ˈlæn.tɚn/an earlytypeofprojector, amachinethatshinesalightthrough apaintedorphotographicimageon aglasssheettoproducealargerimage:
魔法灯笼(一种使用玻璃幻灯片的早期幻灯机)He wouldproducestartlingtheatricalsceneswith theaidofmusicandmagiclanterns.他借助音乐和“魔法灯笼”营造出了惊人的戏剧场面。

manx_in_the_world/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Hisbrothergot a "magiclantern", aprecursorof the slide-projector, forChristmas.
- Theartistemployedamagiclanternorsimilardevicetoprojectphotographicimagesonto his canvases and maketraceddrawings.
- Hisfilmsrecallthethrillof amagiclanternshow.
- Thefamilynurseryincludedboth apuppettheatreand amagiclantern.
Cinema - general words
- 12A
- animation
- animator
- audio described
- audio description
- fade
- filmic
- filming
- filmstrip
- flick
- footage
- franchise
- projection
- reel
- remake
- rerelease
- rescreen
- reshoot
- reshow
- sting