uk/ˈprəʊ.ses.ɪŋ/us/ˈprɑː.ses.ɪŋ/theactofdealingwithdocumentsorpeoplein anofficialway:
There was adelayin the processing ofpassportapplications.
The processing ofclaimswillbeginlaterthisyear.
(of acomputer) theactofperformingaparticularseriesofoperationsoninformation, such as a set ofcalculations:
theactofpreparing,changing, ortreatingfoodornaturalsubstancesas apartof anindustrialoperation:
theactof makingpicturesfromphotographicfilm:
- Theyfoundcanscontainingrottingmeat, which was theresultofpoorprocessing when thecansweresealed.
- Passengers cancheckin only onepieceofluggage,permittingspeedierprocessing ofpassengers.
- Thesefilesenableyou tocontrolimageprocessing onyourPC.
- The nextstepis thestatisticalprocessing.
- Thecreditcardcompanyagreedtowaivethe $29 latefeesince it was a processingerror.
- There was atimewhen one-hourfilmprocessingseemedlike agreatdeal.
Dealing with things or people
- attend tosomeone/something
- be all over itidiom
- beard the lion (inhis/herden)idiom
- bed
- come/get to grips withsomethingidiom
- cut
- fire
- have it out withsomeoneidiom
- hold onidiom
- I/I've got thisidiom
- ill-prepared
- jump-start
- overcome
- toughsomethingout
- turn
- turn tosomeone/something
- unprocessed
- weather
- weather the stormidiom
- you/you've got thisidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Computer concepts
Industrial processing
Preserving & storing food