aroomin aschoolorcollegewheregroupsofstudentsaretaught
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in the classroom
beingtaughtby ateacher:
在教室上课Studentslearningcomputerstudiesspendtwodayseachweekin acomputerlaband fourdaysin the classroom.学习计算机的学生每周有两天在计算机室上机,四天在教室上课。
在教室授课There are also nopromotionswithin theschool, so thatteachersremainin the classroomthroughouttheircareers.学校里也没有晋升制度,所以老师在整个教学生涯中都要授课。
- I don'tthinkanotherdeskwillfitinto this classroom.
- There was so muchnoisein the classroom that I couldhardlyhearmyselfthink.
- The children'sworkhas beenmountedoncardsand put up on thewallsof the classroom.
- Students areexpectedto bequietandobedientin the classroom.
- Thechildrenput upposterson the classroomwalls.
- The classroompresentedacheerfulbusyatmosphereto thevisitors.
Parts of buildings: rooms
- antechamber
- anteroom
- atelier
- attic
- ballroom
- efficiency room
- en suite
- eyrie
- family room
- form room
- meat locker
- multi-chambered
- multi-room
- observation lounge
- panic room
- vestibule
- waiting room
- wet room
- workroom
- workshop
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