toremovebodytissuesurgically(= by amedicaloperation):
(通过手术)切除;摘除Theaimof theoperationis to ablate thediseasedbowelwhilepreservingnormalfunction.该手术的目的是在维持正常功能的同时切除患病肠道。
toremovesurfacematerialfrom arock, aglacier(=massofice), etc. by theactionofwind,melting, orfriction:
消融;侵蚀,(经风化而)销蚀The twocometsareentirelyablated before theyhitthe earth'ssurface.这两颗彗星在撞向地球之前就已经消融殆尽。
- Three-dimensional CTmodelsgive amapthathelpsphysicianstrackwhere they need to ablatetissue.
- Thecardiologistuses thetipof aspecialheatedwireto "ablate", ordestroy, asmallareaoftissuethat iscausingtheabnormalheartrhythm.
- Radiosurgerydevicescan ablateotherwiseuntreatabletumors.
- Most meteoriticmaterial, by thetimeitreachesthe Earth'ssurface, has beenreducedtodustor to spherules of ablatedmaterialinitspassagethrough theatmosphere.
Removing and extracting
- abstract
- bowdlerization
- bowdlerize
- bowdlerized
- clear the decksidiom
- cleared
- drain
- extract
- letsomeonedown
- over-extraction
- pick
- pluck
- pull
- pump
- scoop
- scratch
- unboxing
- undrained
- wipesomethingoffsomething
- yank
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Medical treatment: surgery
The Earth & outer space - general words