lawspecializeduk/ˌprɒm.ɪsˈiː/us/ˌprɑː.mɪsˈiː/apersonorgroupto whom apromisehas been made:
受约人,受要约人,受诺人A promissorynoteis a writtenpromisethat aborrower(the promisor) willpayasumofmoneyto adesignatedperson(thepayeeor promisee).借据是借款人(立约人)向某指定的人(受款人或受约人)支付一笔钱的书面承诺。
- Apromisethat a promisor madebasedon amoralobligationto the promisee may not beenforced.
- Apromiseisgratuitousunlessthe promisee ispayingapricefor it by giving something in retum.
- Promises canremaininforceafter thedeathof the promisee.
- Nocorporateofficercould haveauthoritytopledgethe corporation'sassetsto adealwhichbenefitsthe promisee, but not thecorporation.
Taking legal action
- abatement order
- accuse
- ambulance-chasing
- appear forsomeone
- bring
- cease
- court martial
- indictment
- instruct
- litigate
- litigation
- litigious
- litigiousness
- locus standi
- prosecutorial
- reindict
- reindictment
- retry
- specimen charge
- summons
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Making & breaking promises & commitments