theprocessof making orgrowinggoodsto besold:
生产;制造Cokeis used in the production ofsteel.焦炭用于炼钢。
Wewatchedavideoshowingthevariousstagesin the production ofglass.我们看了一部短片,片中展示了玻璃制造过程中的不同阶段。
The company's newmodelwill begoing intoproduction early nextyear.这家公司的新型号将于明年初投产。
theamountof something that is made orgrownby acountryor acompany:
产量Swedishindustrialproduction hasfallensteadilythisyear.瑞典的工业产量今年逐步下降。
Wheat production hasrisenover theyears.小麦产量在这几年内提高了。
- Thegovernmenthaspledgedtoreducetheamountofchemicalsused infoodproduction.
- Thedrugis still beingtestedand will not go intocommercialproduction for at least twoyears.
- Existingmethodsof production areexpensiveandinefficient.
- Prices ofgoodsaregovernedby thecostof therawmaterials, as well as by thecostof production anddistribution.
- Thecompanyexpectstoresumeproduction of thevehicleagain after a two-monthbreak.
Creating and producing
- anti-creative
- artefact
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- barrenness
- bash
- generate
- handmade
- knock
- knock off (something)
- knocksomeoneout
- knocksomethingtogether/up
- mint
- rollout
- runsomethingup
- rushsomethingout
- sand-cast
- scaresomethingup
- spin
- yield
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Products & producers
productionnoun(OF FILM/MUSIC)
theactivityoforganizingthepracticalandfinancialmattersrelatingto thepreparationof afilm,play, ortelevisionorradioprogramme:
制作,制片She'shopingto get intotelevisionproduction.她希望参与电视节目制作。
Disney'slatestproduction(=film)lookslikelyto beitsmostsuccessfulever.迪斯尼最新推出的这部电影看来很有可能是他们最成功的一部。
aparticularseriesofperformancesof atheatreentertainmentsuch as aplayoropera:
上演;上映They're doing a new productionofMacbeth at theNationalTheatre.他们正在国家剧院上演新编排的《麦克白》。
thepreparationandgeneralqualityof amusicalrecording'ssound,showingthe way in which themusicwasrecordedratherthan thequalityof thesingingand themusic:
(录音)制作,监制George Martindidthe productiononthe Beatlesrecords.乔治‧马丁监制了披头士乐队的唱片。
- All themajortheatresnow havesponsors,especiallyfor high-cost productions.
- Thelocaldramagroupisstaginga production of themusical'Grease'.
Broadcasting in general
- airplay
- airtime
- airwaves
- audio described
- audio description
- carry
- commentary box
- headline
- interchannel
- live stream
- location
- mistune
- produce
- serialization
- serialize
- showrunner
- slow motion
- station break
- transmission
- tune
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spectacles & performances
Recording sounds and images
productionnoun(BRINGING OUT)
theactof taking something out andshowingit:
拿出;出示Entry to theclubis onlypermittedonproduction(= theshowing)ofamembershipcard.需出示会员卡方能进入俱乐部。
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- outlet
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- visualization
- whiff
make a production (out) ofsomething