informaluk/ˈmæn.skeɪp/us/ˈmæn.skeɪp/toremoveorcuta man'sbodyhairinordertoimprovehisappearance:
(男人的)体毛修剪Not all men manscape in the samemanneror,indeed, for the samereasons.在修剪体毛这个问题上,并不是所有的男人都以同样的方式或者出于同样的原因来做。
More and more men thesedaysare getting manscaped.如今越来越多的男人开始注重体毛修剪。
- Iappreciatetheeffortsof mypartnerto manscape.
- “I'mcompletelymanscaped fromheadtotoe- from theearsdown - so thattakesabitoftime,” theprowrestlerexplained.
- We'll show you thebestwaysfor super-hairyguysto manscapetheirbodyhair.
Beauty treatments
- aesthetic
- aesthetician
- beautician
- beauty
- beauty salon
- electrolysis
- exfoliate
- exfoliation
- eye mask
- fake tan
- filler
- French manicure
- rasul
- sauna
- self-tan
- self-tanning
- serum
- solarium
- sunbathe
- sunbed
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Personal care - general words