informaluk/ˈmæn.spred.ɪŋ/us/ˈmæn.spred.ɪŋ/theactof a mansitting,especiallyonpublictransport, with hislegsspreadwideapart, in a way thatmeansthat thepeoplenext to him have lessspace:
(男性在公共交通工具上)岔腿而坐Madrid hasattemptedtobanmanspreading onbuses.马德里已经努力要在公共汽车上禁止男性岔开腿坐。

Tim Russell/iStock Editorial/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- It is thebaneof manyfemalesubwayriders, apracticewith anamealmostasoff-puttingas theactitself: manspreading.
- It’s nosecretthat manspreading is ahottopicof late,especiallywhen it comes tofeministdiscourse.
- Two men wereallegedlyarrestedfor manspreading,sittingwithkneeswideopen,thusoccupyingtwoseats.
- Manspreading isreal! A newstudyhasfoundthat menstretchouttheirlegswhileseatedon thesubwayfivetimesmore often than dofemalepassengers.
Sitting and standing
- akimbo
- astride
- attention
- bestride
- cross-legged
- crouch
- foot
- pew
- plump(someone/something)down
- rampant
- reseat
- scooch
- seat
- stand around
- stand aside
- stand round
- stand up
- strike
- surface
- take a pew!idiom