theresponsibilitiesof animportantpositionorjob,especiallyas given from thepersonwho had thejobto thepersonwhoreplacesthem:
(尤指前任留给继任者的)责任,衣钵Sheunsuccessfullyattemptedtoassumethe mantle of thepresidency.她想接任总统,但未成功。
He has beenaskedtotake onthe mantle ofmanagingdirectorin the New Yorkoffice.他被邀请出任纽约办事处总经理之职。
Duty, obligation and responsibility
- accountable
- answer forsomething
- answerable
- baby
- brother
- domain
- fail
- fiefdom
- gotta
- had better/best dosomethingidiom
- hat
- havesomethingonyourhandsidiom
- payyourduesidiom
- pigeon
- portfolio
- purview
- remit
- responsibility
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- stick
alayerof something thatcoversasurface:
覆盖层Athickmantleofsnowlayon theground.地上积着一层厚厚的雪。
Wewatchedthebuildingvanishunder a mantleofthicksmokeas thefireswiftlymovedthrough it.大火迅速蔓延,我们看到大楼被滚滚浓烟吞噬。
thepartof theearththatsurroundsthecentralcore
Diane Labombarbe/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages
in the past, apieceofclothingwithoutsleevesthat waswornover otherclothes
SeM/Universal Images Group/GettyImages
Coverings and layers
- a blanket ofsomethingidiom
- beeswax wrap
- blanket
- brazen
- casing
- diaphragm
- interstratification
- interstratify
- lagging
- layer
- layered
- seam
- sheath
- stratum
- substratum
- superstratum
- tar paper
- tarpaulin
- veil
- vein
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