sans serif
publishingspecializeduk/ˌsæn ˈser.ɪf/us/ˌsæn ˈser.ɪf/anytypefacein which thelettersdo not haveserifs(=smalllines)addedto them:
一种无衬线的字体Ipreferto usesansserif for thiskindofinformation.对于这样的信息,我更喜欢用无衬线字体。

iarti/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Publishing: printing & word processing
- 3-D printing
- backspace
- bed
- bold
- boldface
- boldfaced
- Braille
- compose
- indent
- indentation
- inline
- intaglio printing
- italic
- print run
- printsomethingout
- printed
- printing
- printing press
- rubber stamp
- stamp
sans serif
publishingspecializeduk/ˌsæn ˈser.ɪf/us/ˌsæn ˈser.ɪf/relatingtosansserif:
Use asansseriffont, such as Arial.
You'llgenerallyfindthat a seriffaceis mucheasiertoreadinlargequantitiesthan asansserif one.
- It is a sans-seriftypefamilyconsisting of 12styles.
- Pleaserecommendessentialfonts, serif andsansserif, that I can use toperformbasicdesignfunctions.
- Designers haveworkedhard todevelopboth serif andsansseriffontsformaximumreadability.
Publishing: printing & word processing
- 3-D printing
- backspace
- bed
- bold
- boldface
- boldfaced
- Braille
- compose
- indent
- indentation
- inline
- intaglio printing
- italic
- print run
- printsomethingout
- printed
- printing
- printing press
- rubber stamp
- stamp