alinethat has beenagreedtodivideonecountryfrom another:
Were youstoppedat the border?你在边界被拦住了吗?
Thetraincrossesthe borderbetweenFrance and Spain.火车穿过法国和西班牙之间的边界。
The twocountrieshave hadfrequentborderdisputes.两国经常发生边界纠纷。
- Thousands oftroopshavemassedalong the border inpreparationfor aninvasion.
- Strasbourg is on the border of France and Germany.
- Illegalimmigrantsaresentbackacrossthe border if they arecaught.
- The borderguardsstoppedme andaskedtoseemypapers.
- Checkpoint Charlie used to be the mostfamousbordercrossingbetweenEastandWestBerlin.
Territorial boundaries
- bound
- boundary
- bourne
- checkpoint
- frontier
- hard border
- no-man's-land
- passport control
- state line
- the Iron Curtain
- the Mason-Dixon Line
- transboundary
astripthat goes around or along theedgeof something, often asdecoration:
(装饰性的)窄边Thedresswaswhitewith adelicatelaceborder.这条裙子是白色的,饰有精美的花边。
apicturewith adecorative/plainborder带有/没有装饰边的画
anarrowstripofgroundaround agarden, usuallyplantedwithflowers:
(花园的)狭长花坛toweed/plantthe borders除去花园边缘的杂草/在花园边缘种上植物

Edges & extremities of objects
- -rimmed
- apex
- apical
- apices
- bevel
- bottom
- brim
- brow
- circumference
- edge
- foot
- front
- perimeter
- peripheral
- periphery
- rim
- rimless
- selvedge
- tip
- vertex
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Parts of gardens
uk/ˈbɔː.dər/us/ˈbɔːr.dɚ/borderverb(FORM EDGE)
[Tusually passive]
toformalinearound theedgeof something:
在…上加边,给…镶边;围,沿着Thefieldsare bordered bytalltrees.田野四周都是高大的树木。
Enclosing, surrounding and immersing
- beleaguer
- beleaguered
- beset
- boxsomeone/somethingin
- circumscribe
- dunk
- fencesomethingoff
- flooding
- gather
- gift wrap
- gift-wrapped
- girdle
- steep
- steepsomething/someoneinsomething
- submersion
- surround
- swaddle
- swallow
- swamp
- twine
borderverb(BE NEXT TO)
to be next to and have a border with anothercountry:
(指国家间)接壤Swaziland bordersSouthAfricaand Mozambique.斯威士兰毗邻南非和莫桑比克。
Territorial boundaries
- bound
- boundary
- bourne
- checkpoint
- frontier
- hard border
- no-man's-land
- passport control
- state line
- the Iron Curtain
- the Mason-Dixon Line
- transboundary
Phrasal verb
border onsomething