uk/mɑːtʃ/us/mɑːrtʃ/marchnoun(PUBLIC EVENT)
aneventin which alargenumberofpeoplewalkthrough apublicplacetoexpresstheirsupportfor something, ortheirdisagreementwith ordisapprovalof something:
抗议游行,示威游行She'sgoing ona march onSaturdayinprotestover theclosureof thehospital.她将在周六参加一个反对关闭医院的示威游行。

- Theprotestmarch went offpeacefullywith only twoarrests.
- The march will beheavilypolicedby an anti-riotunit.
- Thelecturersjoinedtheprotestmarch to showsolidaritywiththeirstudents.
- Demonstratorsnearlycame toblowswith thepoliceduring the march.
- They areplanningalargeanti-racism march.
Activism & pressure groups
- activism
- activist
- agitation
- agitator
- agitprop
- clicktivism
- clicktivist
- counter-demonstrate
- counter-demonstration
- counter-demonstrator
- identity politics
- insurgency
- insurrection
- interest group
- lobbyist
- social enterprise
- social entrepreneur
- special interest group
- super-lobbyist
- super-militant
apieceofmusicwith astrong,regularbeat, written for marching to:
Mendelssohn's Wedding March门德尔松的《婚礼进行曲》
Musical pieces
- arrangement
- ballade
- bolero
- bossa nova
- Britannia
- chorus
- fantasia
- hook
- melody
- multi-part
- nocturne
- octet
- opus
- passage
- reel
- signature tune
- solo
- song form
- streetscape
- string quartet
marchnoun(SOLDIERS' WALK)
awalk,especiallyby agroupofsoldiersallwalkingwith the samemovementandspeed:
行走;(尤指)行军,进军It had been alongmarch and thesoldierswereweary.这是一次长途行军,士兵们疲惫不堪。
Theborderwas within a day's march(=distancemeasuredintimetaken towalkit).走一天便能到达边境。

Tamara Agramovic/EyeEm/GettyImages
on the march
Ifsoldiersare on the march, they havestartedmarching to aplace.
在行军中,在行进中Moving firmly on foot
- breeze
- clomp
- clump
- flounce
- goose step
- lope
- mark
- pace
- parade
- prance
- quick march!idiom
- sashay
- stamp
- stomp
- stride
- strut
- swagger
- swaggeringly
- unmounted
- waltz
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The armed forces generally
thecontinuousdevelopmentof astate,activity, oridea:
持续的推进It isimpossibletostoptheforwardmarch ofprogress/time.发展的脚步/时间的流逝是无法阻挡的。
Theislandis beingdestroyedby therelentlessmarch oftourism.旅游业的恶性发展正在破坏着这个岛。
Making progress and advancing
- advancement
- age
- ahead
- ahead of
- anti-development
- carry
- flourish
- flower
- furtherance
- gather
- get beyondsomething
- get it togetheridiom
- journey
- mature
- pan
- ripen
- ripeness
- self-advancement
- self-betterment
- self-development
towalksomewherequicklyand in adeterminedway, often because you areangry:
(常因生气而)快步走She marched into myofficeanddemandedtoknowwhy I hadn't written myreport.她冲进我的办公室,质问我为什么没写报告。
to move fast
- speedHe ran back to his car and sped off.
- raceShe raced over and hugged me.
- flyShe flew across the room just in time to stop the baby falling off the chair.
- beltUKTraffic was belting along the motorway.
- tearA fire truck came tearing down the road.
- streakBullets streaked across the sky.
to walk
- walkThe baby has just learned to walk.
- strideShe strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.
- marchHe marched right in to the office and demanded to see the governor.
- strollWe strolled along the beach.
- wanderShe wandered from room to room, not sure of what she was looking for.
- ambleShe ambled down the street, looking in shop windows.
towalkthrough apublicplaceaspartof apubliceventtoexpresssupportfor something, ordisagreementwith ordisapprovalof something:
抗议游行,示威游行Over four thousandpeoplemarched through London today toprotestagainst theproposednewlaw.今天4000多人在伦敦街头游行,抗议新的法律提案。
towalkwithregularstepsandkeepingthebodystiff, usually in aformalgroupofpeoplewho are allwalkingin the same way:
(齐步)行走,行进Thebandmarched through thestreets.乐队齐步走过街道。
Thesoldiersmarched 90milesin threedays.士兵们3天内行军90英里。
- Hestartedto march away, and theothersfellin behind him.
- She marched up to him andslappedhisface.
- Thesoldiersmarched behind thecoffin.
- He marched into theroomanddemandedmoney.
- Soldiers were marching into thecity.
Moving firmly on foot
- breeze
- clomp
- clump
- flounce
- goose step
- lope
- mark
- pace
- parade
- prance
- quick march!idiom
- sashay
- stamp
- stomp
- stride
- strut
- swagger
- swaggeringly
- unmounted
- waltz
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Activism & pressure groups
Military training & ceremonies
[T+ adv/prep]
toforcefullymake someone gosomewhereby takingholdof thatpersonandpullingthem there or going there together:
拽着…走;押送Without saying a word, she tookholdof myarmand marched meoffto the headmaster'soffice.她只字未说,抓着我的胳膊就把我拽到了校长办公室。
Thepolicemarched agangofyouthsout ofthebuilding.警察押着一帮年轻人走出了大楼。
See also
Taking someone somewhere or telling them the way
- accompany
- bring
- bringsomeone/somethingalong
- chaperone
- come
- come along
- convoy
- direct
- docent
- drop
- guide
- lead
- referral
- shepherd
- showsomeonearound (something)
- showsomeoneoversomething
- showsomeoneround(something)
- squire
- steer
- walk
quick march!