athick,soft,artificialmaterialused for makingclothesthatlookssimilartosheepskin(= theskinof asheepwithwoolon oneside):
仿羊皮Thehoodiesarelinedwith borg, which makes themsuperwarmforwinter.这款连帽衫采用了仿羊皮内衬,冬天超级保暖。
a borgjacket一件仿羊皮夹克衫

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ajacketorcoatmade from borg:
仿羊皮衣At £20, this is the best-value borg we'veseen.20英镑的价格,是我们见过最超值的仿羊皮衣。

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- Welovethisbrownborgzipjacketthat makes youlooklike acuddlyteddybear.
- Ourbest-sellingparkahas a borglining.
- acordjacketwith a borgcollar
- Pairyourborg withtailoredtrousersandankleboots.
Textiles made from man-made fibres
- acetate
- Crimplene
- Dacron
- faille
- fleece
- fun fur
- georgette
- lame
- memory foam
- microfibre
- Minky
- neoprene
- nylon
- rayon
- sharkskin
- sherpa
- smart fibre
- velour
- viscose
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Coats, jackets & cloaks