uk/ʃəʊ/us/ʃoʊ/showed|shownshowverb(MAKE SEEN)
to make itpossiblefor something to beseen:
给…看;出示;显示[+ two objects]Let me show you this newbookI've justbought.给你看看我刚买的这本新书。
On thismap,urbanareasare showningrey.在这张地图上,城区用灰色表示。
You ought to show thatrashtoyourdoctor.你应该让医生看看那些皮疹。
[+ obj + question word]Why won't you show mewhat's inyourhand?为什么不让我看你手里的东西?
[+ obj + -ing verb]Thesecretlyfilmedvideoshows theprinceandprincesskissing.秘密拍摄的录像中出现了王子和王妃接吻的画面。
Thesephotographsshow theeffectsof thechemicalon thetrees.这些照片显示了这种化学品对树木的影响。
Hebeganto showsignsofrecovery.他开始出现了好转的迹象。
"This is aVictoriangoldcoin." "Is it? Show me(=allowme toseeit)."“我这里有一枚维多利亚时代金币。”“真的吗?让我看看。”
to appear
- appearOne or two clouds appeared in the sky.
- be/become visibleAs the beach gets darker, the glow of city lights becomes more visible.
- show itselfHe believes the impact is showing itself clearly already.
- emergeA slender figure is seen emerging from the darkness.
- loomClouds of volcanic ash loomed menacingly overhead.
- Cracksbeganto show in hisfacadeofself-confidence.
- She wasaskedto show herpresscredentials.
- Mumdugout someoldfamilyphotosto show me.
- Let me show you Pat'sembroideries.
- Shall I show you my newdress?
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- outlet
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- visualization
- whiff
记录,显示(数字或测量值)Theright-handdialshows thetemperature, and theleft-handone shows theairpressure.右面的刻度盘显示温度,左面的刻度盘显示气压。
Thecompanyshowed alossof $2 million lastyear.该公司去年亏损了200万英镑。
Thelatestcrimefiguresshow asharpriseinburglaries.最新的犯罪数据表明,入室盗窃案急剧增加。
- It'simportantto show someconsistencyinyourwork.
- Earlyvotecountsshow Mr Adams in thelead.
- Recentlypublishedfiguresshow adivergencefromprevioustrends.
- Thisscreenshows theroutetheshipis taking.
- Thegraphshowspopulationincrease.
Measuring & weighing
- cost-of-living index
- decibel
- gage
- life-size
- measure
- measuresomethingout
- measure up
- measurement
- non-quantitative
- pacesomethingoff/out
- pinhole
- planimetric
- proof
- quantifiable
- quantification
- rise
- shortish
- survey
- telemetry
toexplainsomething to someone, by doing it or by givinginstructionsorexamples:
(通过演示、示范)解释,说明[+ question word]Can you show mehowto set theDVDplayer?你能教我如何设置DVD播放机吗?
Thisdictionarycontainsmanyexamplesthat showhowwords areactuallyused.这本词典包括许多说明单词实际用法的例子。
Could you show me thewayto thebusstation?你能告诉我去公共汽车站怎么走吗?
- For asmallconsideration,madam, I'll show you the way there myself.
- Can you show me how toturnthecomputeron?
- Zoe will show you what you need to do.
- Thesediagramsshow you how tofixthechildseatin thecar.
- Shona showed me how to make agreatomelette.
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- outlet
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- visualization
- whiff
toprovesomething or make thetruthorexistenceof somethingknown:
证明;表明She has shown herself(to be)ahighlycompetentmanager.她已经证明了自己是一个非常有能力的管理者。
Hisdiariesshow himto have beenanextremelyinsecureperson.他的日记表明他一直是一个极不自信的人。
[+ (that)]Thediariesshow(that)he was veryinsecure.日记表明他曾经极不自信。
Show me(that)I cantrustyou.证明给我看,让我可以相信你。
[+ question word]Ourresearchhas shown (us)howlittle weknowabout thisdisease.我们的研究表明,我们对这种疾病知之甚少。
- Does themarketresearchshow that theproductwillsucceedcommercially?
- Theopinionpollsshow the threeelectioncandidatesin adeadheat(with each other).
- Thesefactsaloneshow that he's not to betrusted.
- Empiricalstudiesshow that someformsofalternativemedicineareextremelyeffective.
- Surveys show thatanimalwelfarehasrecentlybecomeamajorconcernfor manyschoolchildren.
Proving and disproving
- actions speak louder than wordsidiom
- anti-sexist
- attest
- authenticate
- credential
- demonstrability
- demonstrable
- demonstrably
- dispel
- disprove
- lie
- non-documentary
- non-evidence
- probatory
- proof positive
- provable
- the acid test
- verify
- vindicate
- vindication
toexpressideasorfeelingsusingactionsor words:
表达;表现Hefindsitdifficultto showaffection.他发现表达爱意很难。
She showedenormouscouragewhen sherescuedhim from thefire.她把他从火里救出来时,表现出了极大的勇气。
[+ two objects]You should showyourparentsmorerespect/show morerespecttoyourparents.你应该对你的父母更尊重一些。
- The newdaytimesoapoperahasyetto showsignsthat it'sclickingwith thetelevisionaudience.
- I washopingshe might show a littlecompassion.
- Could youturnyourmusicdown and show a littleconsiderationfor theneighbours!
- We need to show abitofcunningif wewanttotricktheenemy.
- We aredemonstratingto showourangeranddisgustat thetreatmentofrefugees.
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- outlet
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- visualization
- whiff
to beeasytoseeornotice:
显眼;容易看到(或注意到)"Oh no, I'vespilledredwineon myjacket!" "Don'tworry, it doesn't show."“啊,不好,我把葡萄酒洒到夹克上了!”“没事儿,看不出来。”
Whatever she'sthinking, she neverletsit show.不管她在想什么,她都从不表现出来。
I'vepaintedover thegraffititwice, but it still showsthrough.我已把这些涂鸦粉刷过两遍了,可是仍然能看出来。
Thedrugdoes not showupinbloodtestsbecause it iseffectivein verysmallquantities.血液检验不会发现这些药物,因为只需极小的剂量它就能发挥作用。
When wemovedin, thehousehadn't beendecoratedfor 20years, anditshowed.我们搬进去时,那房子已有20年没有装修过了,这能看得出来。
See also
show upinformal
When apregnantwoman shows, it ispossibletoseethat she ispregnant:
Once shestartedto show,peoplestartedtreatingherdifferently.
Although I'm not showingyet, mybabyisduein thespring.
tolookasoldas you really are:
显出老态;显出真实年龄Recently, he's reallystartingto show hisage.最近,他真的开始显出老态了。
- I was reallyangry, but Ihopeit didn't show.
- Thestainsdon't really show on thebrowncarpet.
- He's been doing much morepianopracticeand it really shows.
- Theinkshows through thepaper.
- a mile offidiom
- discernibly
- front and centre
- full
- high-visibility
- intervisibility
- intervisible
- large
- noticeable
- out
- prominent
- prominently
- relief
- sore
- splash
- stand
- stand/stick out like a sore thumbidiom
- stick out
- visibility
- visualize
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Obstetrics: pregnancy
Describing age & birthdays
showverb(PUBLIC EVENT)
to make an artist'sworkavailablefor thepublictosee:
展出,展览,陈列(艺术作品)Ouraimis to make iteasierforyoungunknownartiststo showtheirwork.我们的目的是方便不知名的年轻艺术家展出他们的作品。
If acinemaortelevisionstationshows afilmorprogramme, or if afilmorprogrammeis showingsomewhere, you canseeit there:
放映;播出;演出It's the firsttimethismoviehas been shown ontelevision.这是该电影首次在电视上播出。
Now showing at acinemanear you!各大影院正在上映!
Exhibiting and exhibitions
- co-curate
- co-curator
- curate
- curation
- exhibit
- exhibition
- exhibitor
- expo
- exposition
- fashion show
- open day
- open house
- premiere
- preview
- retrospective
- showcase
- showing
- unmounted
- viewing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema - general words
toshow upinformal
到达;露面(同 show up)Arriving, entering and invading
- annex
- annexation
- be on the sceneidiom
- been
- break
- breaksomeonein
- hit
- interloper
- intrude
- intrusion
- invade
- jump
- jump the queueidiom
- roll up!idiom
- scene
- set foot insomewhereidiom
- show up
- trespass
- turn
- turn out
[Tusually+ adv/prep]
to take someonesomewhereby going there with them:
给…带路,带领Could you show Dr Sanchez into thelivingroom?你能领桑切斯博士去起居室吗?
Thewaitershowed ustoourtable.服务员领我们到餐桌前。
Taking someone somewhere or telling them the way
- accompany
- bring
- bringsomeone/somethingalong
- chaperone
- come along
- convoy
- direct
- docent
- drop
- guide
- lead
- march
- referral
- shepherd
- showsomeonearound (something)
- showsomeoneoversomething
- showsomeoneround(something)
- squire
- steer
- walk
showverb(FAIL TO HIDE)
tofailtohidesomething, or to make itpossibletoseeorknowsomething that is notintendedto beseenorknown:
露出,显露Yourshirt's sothinthat it showsyourbra.你的衬衫太薄,里面的胸罩都透出来了。
Light-colouredcarpetsshow thedirt.浅色地毯不耐脏。
[+ question word]Hisfailurein theexamsshows(up)justhowbadhisteachersare.他考试未获通过,这恰恰表明他的老师们有多么糟糕。
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- outlet
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- visualization
- whiff
[T+ obj + question word]
to make someoneunderstandsomething bydirectingtheirattentionto it:
指明;指出Can you show mewhereithurts?你能指给我看哪里疼吗?
Show mewhich one youwant.指给我看你想要哪一个。
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- outlet
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- visualization
- whiff
have something/nothing to show forsomething
showsomeonethe door
show(someone)the way
that will showsomeone
Phrasal verbs
showsomeonearound (something)
show off
show up
atheatreperformanceor atelevisionorradioprogrammethat isentertainingratherthanserious:
Why don't we go to London onSaturdayandseea show?我们星期六为什么不去伦敦看场演出呢?
We had toraise£60,000 tostagethe show.我们得筹集6万英镑来上演该剧。
We had apuppetshow for Jamie'sbirthdayparty.我们在杰米的生日聚会上看了一场木偶戏。
See also
- People came fromafartoseethe show.
- Shecomperesthatawfulgameshow onSaturdaynight.
- Acrowdcongregatedaround theentranceto thetheatre,hopingtocatchaglimpseof thestarsof the show.
- The Circus has beendescribedas thegreatestshow onearth.
- We can eithereatnow or after the show - it's up to you.
Spectacles & performances
- aerobatic
- amateur theater
- balancing act
- bullfight
- bullfighting
- double-header
- minstrel show
- music hall
- non-musical
- one-night stand
- one-person
- rendering
- routine
- spectacle
- spectacular
- street theatre
- stripping
- striptease
- super-spectacle
- supershow
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Broadcasting: programmes & other broadcasts
shownoun(PUBLIC EVENT)
aneventat which agroupofrelatedthings areavailablefor thepublictolookat:
There were someamazingnewcarsat themotorshow.车展上展出了一些令人惊叹的新车型。
They put on aretrospectiveshowofhisworkat theNationalMuseum of American Art.他们在美国国家艺术博物馆为他举行了一次作品回顾展。
See also
on show
Something that is on show has been madeavailablefor thepublictolookat:
在展出Hersculptureswill be on show at themuseumuntil the end of themonth.她的雕塑作品将会在博物馆中展览至月底。
- Hisdogwonbestofbreedat the show.
- Theclimaxof theairshow was aflyingdisplay.
- She was doing aflowerarrangementfor thevillageshow.
- There is a show oflocalpainters'workin thevillagehall.
- There was anexhibitionofsheepshearingat thecountyshow.
Exhibiting and exhibitions
- co-curate
- co-curator
- curate
- curation
- exhibit
- exhibition
- exhibitor
- expo
- exposition
- fashion show
- open day
- open house
- premiere
- preview
- retrospective
- showcase
- showing
- unmounted
- viewing
anactionthat makes otherpeopleknowwhatyourfeelings,beliefs, orqualitiesare:
表达;表现;显示In a showofsolidarity, themanagementandworkershavejoinedforcestocampaignagainst theclosureof thefactory.管理层和工人们团结一致,共同反对关闭工厂。
Over 100militaryvehiclesparadedthrough thecapitalin a show ofstrength.100多辆军车列队驶过首都以展示实力。
a good, poor, etc. show
anactivityorpieceofworkthatappearsto be done withgreat, little, etc.effort:
良好/不好(等等)的表现She may not havewon, but shecertainlyput upa good show.尽管她没有获胜,但的确表现不俗。
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- outlet
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- visualization
- whiff
anappearanceof something that is not reallysincereorreal:
装出的样子;假象Despiteitspublicshowofunity, theroyalfamilyhaditsshareofdisagreementsjust like any other.尽管在公众面前表现得很团结,实际上王室和其他家庭一样也存在着分歧。
Theyput ona showofbeinginterested, but I don'tthinkthey really were.他们假装很感兴趣,但我认为其实并非如此。
for show
Something that is for show has nopracticalvalueand is used only toimprovetheappearanceof somethingelse:
装装门面;作为摆设Do thelightson thisphonehave anyusefulfunctionor are theyjust/onlyfor show?电话上的灯是有什么实际用处呢,还是仅仅作为装饰?
Affected & insincere
- affectation
- affected
- affectedly
- archly
- artificial
- feyness
- forced
- fustian
- glib
- glibly
- posey
- preciously
- preciousness
- precocious
- precociousness
- theatricality
- theatrically
- tokenism
- tokenistic
- two-faced
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Useless and futile
anactivity,business, ororganization,consideredinrelationto who ismanagingit:
活动;事务;机构Who willrunthe show when Megretires?梅格退休后谁来负责此事?
Theweddingistheirshow -letthem do ittheirway.婚礼是他们的事——让他们按自己的方式办吧。
Acting and acts
- (your)every moveidiom
- -ation
- act
- act/dosomethingonyourown responsibilityidiom
- activity
- agency
- ant
- er
- execution
- exploit
- fait accompli
- move
- responsibility
- role play
- rot
- step
- step up
- stuff
- talk
asmallamountofbloodandmucus(=thickliquid)that comes out of thevaginaat thestartoflabour(= theprocessof givingbirth):
Obstetrics: birth
- antenatally
- Apgar score
- B, b
- birth centre
- birth partner
- birth rate
- bore
- breech
- childbearing
- hypnobirthing
- induce
- labour
- maternity suite
- maternity unit
- matrescence
- midwifery
- newborn
- preemie
- rooming-in
- stillborn
get the/this show on the road
the show must go on