uk/ʃaʊər/us/ˈʃaʊ.ɚ/showernoun(WASHING DEVICE)
adevicethatreleasesdropsofwaterthrough a lot of verysmallholesand that youstandunder towashyourwholebody:
淋浴器The shower isbroken- you'll have to have abath.淋浴器坏了——你得用浴缸洗澡了。
Many Britishhomeshave a showerattachmentfixedto thebathtaps.英国的许多家庭都在浴缸龙头上安装了淋浴器。
a showercurtain/cap浴帘/浴帽

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anactingofwashingusing a shower:
淋浴Do I havetimetohavea shower before we go out?我们出去之前我还有时间冲个澡吗?
aplace, usually in abathroom, where a shower issituated:
淋浴间,淋浴室He'sinthe shower at themoment. Do youwanthim tocallyou back?他现在正在冲澡。让他给你回电话好吗?
- There was onebathroomwith a showerstallin thecorner.
- Thebathroommirrorsteamedup during my shower.
- Itoremysweatyclothesoff andjumpedinto the shower.
- She camedownstairsafter her shower,wrappedin atowel.
- Youwastea lot ofwaterby having abathinsteadof a shower.
Bathroom fixtures & fittings
- backsplash
- basin
- bath rack
- bathroom fittings
- bathroom suite
- bathtub
- drain
- flush
- hip bath
- hot tub
- Jacuzzi
- medicine cabinet
- plughole
- shaver point
- shower curtain
- shower pan
- shower tray
- showerhead
- sink
- splashback
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Personal care - general words
阵雨;阵雪showers ofrain,hailandsleet一阵阵的雨、冰雹和雨夹雪
You'resoaked! Did you getcaughtin the shower?你都湿透了!你赶上那阵雨了吗?
There will bethundery/wintryshowers over manypartsof thecountry.全国大部分地区将有雷阵雨/寒冷的阵雨。
Snowshowers areexpectedat the end of theweek.周末将有阵雪。
- I gotcaughtin a shower on my way to theshops.
- We areexpectingshowers thisafternoon.
- At thistimeofyear,sunshineand showers aretypical.
Precipitation: rain
- bucket
- bucket down
- cloud seeder
- cloud seeding
- cloudburst
- deluge
- downpour
- drizzle
- heaven
- mizzle
- pelt
- piss
- piss down
- rain gauge
- rainbow
- rainstorm
- seed
- sun shower
- wash
- wash(something)out
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Precipitation: snow & ice
a shower ofsomething
a lot ofsmallobjectsordropsofliquidcoming through theair:
一大批,一连串(从天而降的小颗粒物或液滴)There was abangand a showerofsparks.一声巨响,闪过一片火花。
Thepipeburst,sendingout a showerofwater.管道爆裂了,喷出一阵水花。
alargeamountof something:
大量的Shereceiveda showerofpraisefrom hercolleagues.她从同事那里得到了大量的赞美。
Moving downwards
- base jumping
- cascade
- descend
- dive
- drop/fall/sink like a stoneidiom
- fall
- fall down
- flop
- freefall
- go down
- parachute
- pronate
- pronation
- put
- putsomething/someonedown
- rain(something)down
- set
- setsomethingdown
- spiral
- touch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Masses and large amounts of things
Large in number or quantity
apartyheldfor a woman just before she getsmarriedor givesbirthto achild, when she is givenpresentsfor herfuturehomeorbaby:
(为即将结婚或分娩的妇女举行的)送礼会Iboughtthecutestbabyclothesto take to Jacey'sbabyshower.我买了最漂亮的婴儿服去参加杰西孩子的送礼会。
We went to my cousin'sbridalshoweryesterday.我们昨天去参加了我表妹的新娘送礼会。
- altar
- always a bridesmaid, never the brideidiom
- arranged marriage
- attendant
- bachelor party
- dowry
- elope
- elopement
- flower girl
- get splicedidiom
- nuptials
- officiant
- plight
- pop the questionidiom
- postnuptial
- wedding breakfast
- wedding night
- wedding planner
- wedding reception
- white wedding
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Celebrations, parties & special occasions
take/need a cold shower
[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
tofalldown or come out in a shower, or to make something do this:
(某物)如阵雨般落下Iheardamassiveexplosion, andsecondslaterfragmentsofglasswere showering(=falling)down on us.我听到了巨大的爆炸声,几秒钟后,玻璃碎片纷纷散落在我们身上。
Sheshookthebottleviolentlyand showered uswithchampagne.她用力晃动酒瓶,向我们喷洒香槟。
Falling and dropping
- ass
- collapse/fall in a heapidiom
- cropper
- crumple
- drop
- drop like fliesidiom
- drop off
- faceplant
- fall away
- fly
- let goidiom
- mic drop
- nosedive
- overbalance
- parachutist
- plunge
- pratfall
- thump
- trip
- wayside
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Moving downwards
to take a shower:
冲个淋浴I shower everymorning.我每天早上都要洗个淋浴。
to wash something
- washHave you washed the dishes yet?
- washWash your hands before dinner, please.
- batheHave you bathed yet today?
- showerI always shower after I exercise.
- rinseShe rinsed the cloth in the sink.
- soakShe soaked the T-shirt overnight to get rid of the stains.
Personal care - general words
- ablution
- amenity kit
- baby wipe
- beach body
- beardy
- bed bath
- douche
- facecloth
- fat-shame
- fat-shaming
- flossing
- grooming
- hand gel
- handwash
- retrosexual
- scrub
- scrub up
- scrub up wellidiom
- toilet
- windswept
Phrasal verb