uk/ˌmɑː.dʒəˈriːn/us/ˌmɑːr.dʒɚˈriːn//ˈmɑːr.dʒɚ.ɪn/(alsoUKinformalmarge,marg)afoodused forcookingandspreadingonbread,similartobutter, butsofterand usually made fromvegetablefat:
In alargebowl,beatthebutteror margarine andsugartogether.
Cream together the marge andsugar,blendin theeggandvanillaessence.
Melt somebutteror marg insaucepan,addthevegetables, andfrygentlyfor 3 or 4minutes.

Science Photo Library/GettyImages
- Forbreakfast, I had threethickslicesofwhitetoastwith margarine.
- Melt the margarine over amediumheat.
Fats & oils in food & cooking
- argan oil
- bergamot
- beurre noisette
- brown butter
- butter
- cooking spray
- corn oil
- cottonseed oil
- creamed coconut
- deep fat
- hydrogenated
- hydrogenation
- lard
- leaf lard
- milk fat
- monounsaturated
- non-greasy
- polyunsaturated
- vegetable oil
- virgin