phrasal verbwithmarkverbuk/mɑːk/us/mɑːrk/
toreducethepriceof something, usually inordertoencouragepeopletobuyit:
Lowconsumerdemandhasforcedus tomarkdown awiderangeofgoods, sometimesbyas much as 30percent.
Shares in theelectricitycompaniesweremarkeddownfollowingtheannouncementof the newenergytax.
Price decreases
- bargain
- bear market
- bearish
- closeout
- concessional
- couponer
- couponing
- cratering
- deflate
- deflation
- depreciate
- depress
- drop off
- freeze
- knock off (something)
- overdiscount
- post-devaluation
- projected value
- promo code
- spiral
to write something on apieceofpaperinorderto make arecordof it:
I'vemarkeddown thenumberof eachitemsold.
Lookcarefullyat thesequestionsandmarkyouranswersdown in theright-handcolumn.
Writing & typing
- asemic
- bashsomethingout
- borrow
- calligrapher
- carriage return
- fair
- jot
- minute
- overwrite
- put/set pencil to paperidiom
- readability
- recompose
- reformulate
- registration
- rekey
- rekeyboard
- scribble
- touch-type
- writ
- writing