uk/ˈmær.i/us/ˈmer.i//ˈmær.i/marryverb(TWO PEOPLE)
tobecomethelegallyacceptedhusbandorwifeof someone in anofficialorreligiousceremony:
娶;嫁;(和…)结婚Mentendto marrylaterthan women.男性成婚往往晚于女性。
Paul married Lucy fouryearsago.保罗4年前和露西结婚了。
They don't have anyplansto marry atpresent.他们目前没打算结婚。
toperformtheceremonyofmarriageas apriestorofficial:
(牧师或官员)为…证婚,为…主持婚礼Theroyalcouplewere married by the Archbishop of Canterbury .这对皇室新人的婚礼是由坎特伯雷大主教主持的。
- He's beensinglefor solongnow, I don'tthinkhe'llevermarry.
- He told me that he's going toaskRuth to marry him.
- Greg and Jodymetatcollegeand marriedsoonafter theygraduated.
- Hefinallypluckedupcouragetoaskher to marry him.
- In manycultures, it isconsideredimportantfor a woman tokeepherselfpureuntil she marries.
Marriage, cohabitation & other relationships
- adulteress
- affinal
- as husband and wifeidiom
- be an itemidiom
- be shacked upidiom
- hear wedding bellsidiom
- hitched
- honest
- husband
- intermarriage
- monogamous
- monogamy
- morganatic
- ménage à trois
- non-marital
- shack
- shack up
- something
- together
- trouble and strifeidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
tocombinetwo differentqualities:
(两种品质或特征)融合adesignwhich marriesfunwithfunction融娱乐性、功能性为一体的设计
Connecting and combining
- abut
- additive
- adjoin
- affix
- agglutinate
- aggregation
- articulation
- desegregate
- desegregation
- dovetail
- eclectic
- eclectically
- hyphenate
- link(something)up
- linkage
- lumpsomeone/somethingtogether
- marriage
- meld
- weaving
- yoke
We usually use marry and divorce with an object:…Idioms
marry beneathyou
marry in haste, repent at leisure
not be the marrying kind
Phrasal verbs
marry up (something)
old useuk/ˈmær.i/us/ˈmer.i//ˈmær.i/used foremphasisor toexpressanemotion, such assurpriseoranger:
Marry, who goes there?
Marry, Ifearthee.
- Marry, Ifearthee.
- Marry,sir, it is!
Linguistics: interjections
- aiyo
- alack
- alas and alackphrase
- attaboy
- attagirl
- auf Wiedersehen
- aw shucks
- figure
- goodo
- more
- more power toyourelbow!idiom
- need
- need I say more?idiom
- neener, neener
- no siridiom
- period
- small wonderidiom
- sweet
- the rest is historyidiom
- you seeidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Expressions of surprise
Expressions of anger