释义 |
mannoun(MALE)A1[C]anadultmalehumanbeing: 成年男子,男人 ayoung/tallman年轻/高个男子 men and women男人和女人 the man in thegreenjacket穿绿夹克的男子 For a verylongtime, only men couldjointhearmedforces. Steve cansolveanything - the man's agenius.史蒂夫能解决一切——此人是个天才。  Westend61/GettyImages anadultwholivesandidentifiesasmalethough they may have been said to have a differentsexatbirth: Markis atransman(= a man who was said to befemalewhen they wereborn). Theirdoctorencouragedthem toliveas a man for a while beforeundergoingsurgicaltransition. [C]amaleemployee: (未明确职位或头衔的)男性雇员 Thegascompanysaid they wouldsendsome men tofixtheleak.煤气公司说会派人来解决泄漏问题。 The manfromthenewspaperwrotesomepositivethings about themovie.报社来的人对影片作了肯定的评价。 Our man in Washingtonsentus thenewsbyfaxyesterday.我们驻华盛顿的人昨天通过传真发来这条消息。 men [plural]militarymalemembersof thearmedforceswho are notofficers: (军队中的)士兵 Themilitaryexpeditionwas made up of 100officersand men.军事探险队由100名军官和士兵组成。 Heorderedhis men tofire.他命令手下的士兵开枪。 One of the men is here toseeyou,sir.有一个士兵来找你,长官。 Ilostfour of my men in theraid. He was alwayswillingto take the samephysicalrisksas his men. Ourcompanylostten men in thefightingthatday. [C]old-fashionedamaleservant: 男仆 My man will show you to thedoor.我的男仆将领您到门口。 a marketing, advertising, etc. man a mantypicalof orinvolvedinmarketing,advertising, etc.: 市场营销/广告等人员The brewery'smarketingmaninsistedthey were not making apoliticalstatement. As along-timenewspaperman, heknowstheeffectofbudgetcutsonjournalism. He had been ahard-nosedManhattanadvertisingman beforesellingup andmovingto Vermont. Marketing men from eachbankcalledtheirmostvaluableclients. The club'spresidentis anadvertisingman whoknowshe canselltheclubtoyoungermembers. [C]informalahusbandormalesexualpartner: 丈夫;情夫;男朋友 Ihearshe's got a new man.我听说她又找了个新男朋友。 Is there a man in herlife?她有男人吗? mainlyUSinformalused whentalkingto someone,especiallya man: (用于称呼,尤指对男子)老兄,老弟,小伙子,朋友 Hey, man, how are you doing?嘿,老兄,你好吗? man and wifeold-fashioned If a man and a woman are man andwife, they aremarriedto each other: 夫妻,夫妇Nosoonerhad thecouplebeenpronouncedman andwifethan thetroublestarted. Theylivedtogether as man andwifefor over fiftyyears. Thispropertylawonlyappliedtopeoplewho werelegallyman andwife. ThatThursday, they went to thechapelandbecameman andwife. Theymeton atrainjourney, and sixweekslaterwere man andwife. the man[S]USslang apersonorgroupthat haspowerorauthority, forexamplethepolice 警察- Hereyeswereimmediatelydrawnto thetallblondmanstandingat thebar.
- Do yourecognizethat man in thegreysuit?
- Jon hasdevelopedfrom anawkwardteenagerinto asophisticatedyoungman.
- Ibelievewomen should bepaidthe same as men.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEmployees & colleagues - anti-incumbent
- appointee
- career woman
- claque
- co-worker
- compatriot
- incumbent
- lifer
- mate
- new blood
- new broom
- nominee
- non-employee
- operative
- payroll
- peon
- self-starter
- skip-level
- staff
- staffer
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Soldiers & people who fight in wars People who serve other people Advertising and marketing Marriage: marital status The police generally People in charge of or controlling other people mannoun(PEOPLE)Man is stillfarmoreintelligentthan thesmartestrobot.人类仍远比最智能的机器人聪明。 Man israpidlydestroyingtheearth.人类正迅速毁灭着地球。 This is one of the mostdangeroussubstancesknowntoman.这是人类已知的最危险的物质之一。 Try toimaginewhatlifemust have been like for Neolithic man 10,000yearsago.想象一下1万年前新石器时代人的生活是什么样子。 [C]literaryorold-fashionedaperson: All men areequalin thesightof thelaw.法律面前人人平等。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHumans, apes & monkeys - anthropo-
- anthropoid
- ape
- baboon
- bonobo
- great ape
- hominid
- hominin
- homo
- Homo sapiens
- langur
- lemur
- loris
- macaque
- mandrill
- rhesus monkey
- ring-tailed lemur
- sapient
- silverback
- simian
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: mannoun(OBJECT)[C]any of theobjectsthat aremovedorplayedwith ingamessuch aschess (国际象棋等游戏中的)棋子 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBoard games - backgammon
- bishop
- blitz
- board game
- castle
- Chinese chequers
- Chutes and Ladders
- counterplay
- defence
- draught
- endgame
- forfeit
- gambit
- pawn
- pin
- queen
- queenside
- re-roll
- resign
- square
See more results » GrammarMan,mankindorpeople? Traditionally, we use man to refer to all human beings, male and female, usually in contrast with other animals. However, many people consider this to be sexist, so it is better to use a different expression, such as human beings:… Idiomsas one man it's every man for himself make a man (out) ofsomeone man and boy be man enoughto do something the man in the moon (as) man to man man's best friend man's inhumanity to man a man's man man on! to a man you the man! To man something such as amachineorvehicleis to bepresentinordertooperateit: 为…配备人手Thephonesare manned 24hoursaday.电话每天24小时都有人值班。 Barricades wereerectedagainst theadvancinggovernmenttroopsand they were mannedthroughoutthenight.设置路障以阻挡政府军的前进,并且整夜有人看管。 Man thepumps!派人看着抽水机! See alsoovermanned undermanned unmanned Note:- Many people find this use sexist and prefer to use other verbs such as 'operate' or 'staff'.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPerforming a function - act
- act assomething
- function
- function assomething/someone
- functionalist
- high-performance
- janitorial
- make
- multifunctional
- on
- on itidiom
- operate
- operation
- purpose
- serve
- taken
- work
- work a treatidiom
See more results » used toexpressastrongemotion: (用作感叹词,尤用于表示强烈的感情)啊,呀,哈,嘿Man, we had a goodtime- wedrankall through thenight!嘿,我们昨晚真叫尽兴,喝了一夜的酒! SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: interjections - aiyo
- alas and alackphrase
- attaboy
- attagirl
- auf Wiedersehen
- aw shucks
- eatyourheart outidiom
- figure
- goodo
- mazel tov
- more
- more power toyourelbow!idiom
- need
- need I say more?idiom
- no siridiom
- period
- small wonderidiom
- the rest is historyidiom
- you seeidiom
- yum yum
See more results » having thenationalityorjobmentioned, or (of agrouporvehicle)containingthenumberofpeoplementioned: …国人;做…职业的人;(团体)由…人组成的;(交通工具)可载…人的anIrishman爱尔兰人 apoliceman警察 businessmen商人 a five-manteam5人小组 a two-manhelicopter双人直升机 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMeasurements of volume: informal - -ful
- armload
- basin
- basketful
- bucketful
- eyeful
- fistful
- forkful
- glassful
- handful
- jugful
- pocketful
- pot
- roomful
- scoop
- spoon
- tablespoonful
- tankful
- tbsp.
- truckload
See more results » (Definition ofmanfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)mannoun(MALE)A1[C]anadultmalehumanbeing 成年男子,男人ayoung/tallman年轻/高个男子 men and women男人和女人 the man in thegreenjacket穿绿夹克的男子 the men'schampionin the 400metres男子400米赛跑冠军 Steve cansolveanything - the man's agenius.史蒂夫能解决一切——此人是个天才。 (未明确职位或头衔的)男性雇员Thegascompanysaid they wouldsendsome men tofixtheleak.煤气公司说会派人来解决泄漏问题。 The manfromthenewspaperwrotesomepositivethings about themovie.报社来的人对影片作了肯定的评价。 Our man in Washingtonsentus thenewsbyfaxyesterday.我们驻华盛顿的人昨天通过传真发来这条消息。 men [plural]militarymalemembersof thearmedforceswho are notofficers (军队中的)士兵Themilitaryexpeditionwas made up of 100officersand men.军事探险队由100名军官和士兵组成。 Heorderedhis men tofire.他命令手下的士兵开枪。 One of the men is here toseeyou,sir.有一个士兵来找你,长官。 [C]old-fashionedamaleservant 男仆My man will show you to thedoor.我的男仆将领您到门口。 a marketing, advertising, etc. man a mantypicalof orinvolvedinmarketing,advertising, etc. 市场营销/广告等人员 [C]informalahusbandormalesexualpartner 丈夫;情夫;男朋友Ihearshe's got a new man.我听说她又找了个新男朋友。 Is there a man in herlife?她有男人吗? mainlyUSinformalused whentalkingto someone,especiallya man (用于称呼,尤指对男子)老兄,老弟,小伙子,朋友Hey, man, how are you doing?嘿,老兄,你好吗? man and wifeold-fashioned If a man and a woman are man andwife, they aremarriedto each other. 夫妻,夫妇 the man[S]USslang apersonorgroupthat haspowerorauthority, forexamplethepolice 警察 - Hereyeswereimmediatelydrawnto thetallblondmanstandingat thebar.
- Myfatherneverspokea lot, but when he didspeakit wasworthlisteningto.
- Do yourecognizethat man in thegreysuit?
- Jon hasdevelopedfrom anawkwardteenagerinto asophisticatedyoungman.
- Ibelievewomen should bepaidthe same as men.
mannoun(PEOPLE)人类,人Man is stillfarmoreintelligentthan thesmartestrobot.人类仍远比最智能的机器人聪明。 Man israpidlydestroyingtheearth.人类正迅速毁灭着地球。 This is one of the mostdangeroussubstancesknowntoman.这是人类已知的最危险的物质之一。 Try toimaginewhatlifemust have been like for Neolithic man 10,000yearsago.想象一下1万年前新石器时代人的生活是什么样子。 [C]literaryorold-fashionedapersonof eithersex (不论性别的)人All men areequalin thesightof thelaw.法律面前人人平等。 mannoun(OBJECT)[C]any of theobjectsthat aremovedorplayedwith ingamessuch aschess (国际象棋等游戏中的)棋子 GrammarMan,mankindorpeople? Traditionally, we use man to refer to all human beings, male and female, usually in contrast with other animals. However, many people consider this to be sexist, so it is better to use a different expression, such as human beings:… Idiomsas one man it's every man for himself make a man (out) ofsb man and boy be man enoughto do sth the man in the moon (as) man to man man's best friend man's inhumanity to man a man's man man on! to a man you the man! To man something such as amachineorvehicleis to bepresentinordertooperateit. 为…配备人手Thephonesare manned 24hoursaday.电话每天24小时都有人值班。 Barricades wereerectedagainst theadvancinggovernmenttroopsand they were mannedthroughoutthenight.设置路障以阻挡政府军的前进,并且整夜有人看管。 Man thepumps!派人看着抽水机! See alsoovermanned undermanned unmanned Note:- Many people find this use sexist and prefer to use other verbs such as 'operate' or 'staff'.
used toexpressastrongemotion (用作感叹词,尤用于表示强烈的感情)啊,呀,哈,嘿Man, we had a goodtime- wedrankall through thenight!嘿,我们昨晚真叫尽兴,喝了一夜的酒! having thenationalityorjobmentioned, or (of agrouporvehicle)containingthenumberofpeoplementioned …国人;做…职业的人;(团体)由…人组成的;(交通工具)可载…人的anIrishman爱尔兰人 apoliceman警察 businessmen商人 a five-manteam5人小组 a two-manhelicopter双人直升机 mannoun(HUMAN MALE)[C]anadultmalehumanbeing: ayoungman the men’s 400-meterrace Johncansolveanything – the man’s agenius. [C]A man is also amaleemployeewithoutparticularrankortitle, or amemberof themilitarywho has alowrank: Thegascompanysenta man tofixtheheatingsystem. [C]infmlMan is sometimes used whenaddressinganadultmalehumanbeing: [C]infmlMan is sometimes used as anexclamation,esp. when thespeakerisexpressingastrongemotion: man and wife When anofficialat aweddingsays a man and a woman havebecomeman andwife, itmeansthey are nowmarriedto each other. mannoun(PERSON)[C/U]thehumanrace, or anymemberorgroupof it: [U]prehistoricman [U]Thispoisonis one of the mostdangeroussubstancesknownto man. [C]All men areequalin thesightof thelaw. Note:- Some people dislike this use of man because it does not seem to give women equal importance with men. They prefer to use other words, such as humanity, humankind, people, and person.
mannoun(PIECE)[C]any of thepiecesthat areplayedwith ingamessuch aschess manliness
We nolongerequateaggressionwith manliness. Idiomsman’s best friend the man in the street manverb[T](OPERATE)to bepresentinordertooperatesomething, such asequipmentor aservice: Man thepumps! Thephonesare manned 24hoursaday. Note:- Some people dislike this use of man because it does not seem to give women equal importance with men. They prefer to use other words, such as operate and staff.
(Definition ofmanfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)a man who does aparticulartypeofwork: A man's coming tofixthephotocopierlater. Our man in Washington has thisreporton theelection. an advertising/a marketing/an operations manTheybroughtin atopsalesandmarketingman tohelpwith the newproductlaunch. men in suitsdisapproving men at thetopof anorganizationwho areinterestedin thefinancialperformanceof acompanyratherthan in thecreativeorproductsideof thebusiness: astuffyboardroomfilledwith men insuits officeworkerswho areconsideredto be doing aboringjob: Theplacewasfullof men insuitsfrom aninsurancecompany. to use oroperateequipmentormachineryaspartofyourwork, or toworkin aparticularplace: Extrastaffarebroughtin to man thephonelinesduringbusyperiods. Allpartsof thebuilding,apartfromtoilets, are manned bysecuritystaffandcoveredbycameras. (Definition ofmanfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/man## |