UKuk/ˌsæl.əˈpets/us/ˌsæl.əˈpets/(alsoski pants)paddedtrousers, usually withstrapsthat go over theshoulders,wornwhenskiing:
滑雪服Ifoundtheskiingtoo hard and Ihatedthehorriblesalopettes I had towear.我觉得滑雪太难了,而且我讨厌必须穿那些看起来很可怕的滑雪服。
Skiers candescendfor aspotofdinnerbeforedonningtheirsalopettes for anothersessionwhen theliftsreopenat 10pm.滑雪者可以下山享用晚餐,然后在晚上10点升降机重新开放后,穿上滑雪服再去滑一场。

- When Brian Vinerdonshis salopettes, it's not thequalityof thesnowthatmattersbut that of thefoodanddrink.
- Fullyinsulatedjackets, salopettes andskipantsaredesignedtokeepout thecold,wetandwind.
- Beforepackingthe salopettes andskigloves, it'sworthrememberingthatskiingisresponsiblefor analarmingnumberofinjuries.
Sportswear & swimwear
- activewear
- athletic supporter
- bandeau
- baseball cap
- baseball jacket
- guernsey
- gumshield
- hydrasuit
- jersey
- jockstrap
- jodhpurs
- riding habit
- sweatband
- sweatpants
- sweatsuit
- swim shorts
- swimmers
- unitard
- vest
- yellow jersey