uk/mɑːk/us/mɑːrk/marknoun(DIFFERENT AREA)
asmallareaon thesurfaceof something that isdamaged,dirty, or different in some way:
痕迹;污点;疤痕There weredirtymarks on hertrouserswhere she hadwipedherhands.她裤子上抹过手的地方留下了污渍。
Hisfingershadleftmarks on the table'spolishedsurface.他的手指在光亮的桌面上留下了指印。
She had aredmark on herarmwhere she'dburnedherself.她胳膊上烧伤的地方留下了红色的疤痕。
a mark on something
- markThe backs of the chairs have left marks on the wall.
- stainShe had grass stains on her white jeans.
- smearHe had smears of tomato ketchup on his shirt.
- smudgeNo matter how often I wash my hands, I leave smudges all over my phone's screen.
- blotchHe had blotches all over his face.
- speckShe looked through the old camera lens and saw specks of dust.
atypicalfeatureor one thatallowsyou torecognizesomeone or something:
标记;特征Didyourattackerhave anydistinguishingmarks, such as ascaror abirthmark?袭击你的人有什么明显的特征吗,比如伤疤或胎记什么的?
You cantellwhichpuppyis which from the marks (alsomarkings) ontheirfur.你可以根据小狗皮毛上的斑纹来区分它们。
- Shescrubbedat the mark on thewallforages, but it wouldn't come off.
- Hisshoesleftmuddymarks on thefloor.
- Thebushlookedbadlydiseased, withblackmarks on all theleaves.
- Thebloodhadleftanindeliblemark on hershirt.
- Don't put anythingweton apolishedsurface, or it willleavea mark.
Dirt & untidiness
- bloodstain
- blotch
- clutter
- contaminant
- contamination
- crud
- filthiness
- fleck
- grime
- grunge
- gunge
- muck
- omnishambles
- pollutant
- polluter
- recontamination
- scruff
- shambles
- slime
- slob
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Conditions and characteristics
asymbolthat is used for givinginformation:
标识;记号I've put a mark on themapwhere Ithinkwe should go for apicnic.我在地图上作了个记号,标出了我认为我们应该去野餐的地方。
What do those marks in themiddleof theroadmean?路中央的那些标识是什么意思?
a written orprintedsymbol:
- I put a mark where thelevelof thewaterreached.
- These marksrepresentthenumberofpeopleaffectedbydrought.
- If you aretallerthan this mark, you cannotentertheplayarea.
- I put the phrase inquotationmarks.
- Do these marks on thedocumentactuallymeananything?
Signs, signals and symbols
- beacon
- breadcrumb
- cryptanalyst
- delimiter
- digital badge
- ideogram
- indicator
- lagging indicator
- leading indicator
- litmus test
- logograph
- marksomething/someoneoff
- prompt
- signboard
- signifier
- status symbol
- the all-clear
- torch
- totem pole
ajudgment,expressedas anumberorletter, about thequalityof apieceofworkdone atschool,college, oruniversity:
分数;成绩What mark did yougetin thebiologyexam?你生物考试考了多少分?
Matilda's had verygoodmarks in/forEnglishthroughouttheyear.马蒂尔达一年来英语成绩都很好。
UKYouscoredfullmarks in thetest- ten out of ten!你测验得了满分——十分制的十分!
- What mark did he get in hisexam?
- She did norevision, but she still got a very high mark.
- She got good marks for all herwork.
- I need good marks to go on to the nextpartof thecourse.
- Theteachergave a me a good mark for myessay.
Marks & results
- 2:1
- 2:2
- A, a
- B, b
- C, c
- class
- formative
- grade boundary
- grade-point average
- honor student
- pass
- pass mark
- pass rate
- passing grade
- positivity
- second
- second class
- straight-A
- third
目标,指标Sales have alreadypassedthe million mark.销售额已突破百万元大关。
- Deaths havepassedthe thousand mark.
- Herearningspassedthe $1 million mark.
Measurements in general
- bathymetric
- bathymetry
- be running atsomethingidiom
- calibrate
- calibration
- drop
- elevation
- factor
- full-scale
- kilo
- knee-deep
- lengthways
- longways
- metric
- metrication
- micro
- milli-
- proportion
- scale
- setting
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Quality and standard
anactionthat isunderstoodtorepresentor show acharacteristicof apersonor thing orfeeling:
(情感的)表示;(特征的)标志He took off hishatas a markofrespectfor herdeadhusband.他脱帽以示对她死去的丈夫的敬意。
It's the markofagentlemantostandup when someoneenterstheroom.有人进屋时起身是绅士之举。
I'd like to give thisbottleofwineas a markofappreciationfor all theworkyou've done for us.我谨以这瓶酒对您为我们所做的一切表示谢意。
- Theflagwasflyingathalf-mastto mark thedeathof thepresident.
- Therecentfreeelectionsmark the nextstepin the country'sprogresstowardsdemocracy.
- Manydiplomatsattendedanavalreviewto mark theanniversaryof the end of thewar.
- Astatuewaserectedto mark thebicentenaryof the composer'sbirth.
- The Uralmountainsmark theboundarybetweenEuropeandAsia.
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- outlet
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- visualization
- whiff
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Typifying, illustrating and exemplifying
马克(德国马克,同 Deutschmark)Currencies
- Altcoin
- ariary
- bimetallism
- bitcoin
- denomination
- escudo
- franc
- krone
- lira
- paisa
- pieces of eight
- quetzal
- renminbi
- repeg
- rouble
- rupiah
- Schilling
- shilling
- traveller's cheque
be off the mark
be quick/slow off the mark
be up to the mark
leaveyour/its mark onsomeone/something
make a/yourmark (onsomething)
on your marks, get set, go!
uk/mɑːk/us/mɑːrk/markverb(PIECE OF WORK)
tocorrectmistakesin and givepointsfor apieceofwork:
批改;给…评分I was uphalfthenightmarkingexampapers.我改考卷改到半夜。
UKYou'll be markeddown(= given alowermark)forpoorspellingandpunctuation.你会因糟糕的拼写及标点而被扣分。
- I marked thelevelin thebottlesso that nobody can take any.
- Theplacewhere thetreasureisburiedis marked with astonecross.
- Ourroutewas marked byflagsin thesand.
- I've marked thebestroutetoourhouse.
- Can you mark theamountofworkyou've done eachweekon thischart?
Marks & results
- 2:1
- 2:2
- A, a
- B, b
- C, c
- class
- formative
- grade boundary
- grade-point average
- honor student
- pass
- pass mark
- pass rate
- passing grade
- positivity
- second
- second class
- straight-A
- third
to make a mark on something or someone:
留痕迹(于)Makesureyou don't mark thewallswhile you'removingthefurniturearound.移动家具时,千万别碰坏了油漆。
Adarkcarpetwon't mark aseasilyas alightone.深色地毯不像浅色地毯那么容易留下痕迹。
Making things dirty & untidy
- blacken
- blot
- clutter
- contaminate
- defile
- dirty
- disarrange
- mess
- mix
- mixsomeone/somethingup
- muddle
- muddlesomethingup
- muss
- pollute
- polluter
- recontaminate
- soil
- stain
- tarnish
torepresentor show acharacteristicof apersonor thing orfeeling:
标志;以…为特征The band'ssongshave always been marked bycontroversiallyrics.这支乐队的歌曲的特点是歌词向来都颇有争议。
Thesigningof thetreatymarked amajormilestoneon theroadtoEuropeanunion.该条约的签署是欧洲一体化进程中的一个重要里程碑。
to showrespectfor orcommemorate:
对…表示敬意;纪念Tomorrow'sparadewill mark the 50thanniversaryof thebattle.明天的游行是为了纪念该战役50周年。
Typifying, illustrating and exemplifying
- analogy
- archetypal
- archetypically
- besomeoneall overidiom
- betoken
- genre
- instantiate
- mirror
- Mr
- Mrs
- on-brand
- sum
- summation
- symbolic
- symbolize
- symptomatic
- tantamount
- territory
- token
- translate
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Showing respect and admiration
Remembering, reminding and reminders
to show where something is bydrawingor putting somethingsomewhere:
标明,标示I've marked theroutearound the town'sone-waysystemon themap.我已将单行线系统的路线在城镇规划图上标了出来。
I'd like everyone to marktheirprogresson thecharteveryweek.我希望每人每周将自己的进度标在图表上。
X marksthespotwhere thetreasureisburied.符号X标示了藏宝地点。
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- outlet
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- visualization
- whiff
topreventamemberof theopposingteamfrom takingcontrolof theballbystayingcloseto them all thetime
(球类团体比赛中)盯防General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
be marked out assomething
(you) mark my words!
mark time
Phrasal verbs
marksomeonedown assomething