Manchurian candidate
politicsspecialized(alsoManchurian Candidate)uk/mænˈtʃʊə.ri.ən ˌkæn.dɪ.dət/us/mænˈtʃʊr.i.ən ˌkæn.dɪ.dət/apersonwho is notloyalto, or whoharms,theirowncountryorpoliticalpartybecause they are under thecontrolorinfluenceof anothercountryorparty:
被洗脑的候选人,“满洲候选人”(指因受到另一个国家或政党的控制或影响而不忠于或损害自己国家或政党的人)Some bloggershintthat apresidentialcandidatemight be akindof Manchuriancandidate.有博主暗示,其中一个总统候选人可能是个“满洲候选人”。
- Some called him a Manchuriancandidatefordismissingconspiracytheories.
- Whether or not theassassinwas somekindof Manchuriancandidate, as haslongbeensuspectedby many, it can't bedeniedthat there werestrongindicationshe was notactingalonethatnight.
- It waswidelybelievedthat Australia's newprimeministerwas China's Manchurian Candidate - the man who wouldbringhiscountryinto China'sorbit.
Powerful people & dictators
- anti-establishment
- authoritarian
- autocrat
- autocratic
- big beast
- dictatorial
- establishment
- figurehead
- grey eminence
- heavy hitteridiom
- kleptocrat
- oppressor
- plutocrat
- potentate
- power broker
- puissance
- tyrant
- voiceless
- warlord
- éminence grise